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Some Suggestion


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Can't the mods weed out the inactive members? (if they dont do it already) to get rid of some of the dead weight? or perhaps that when u get your account you have to log in a certain # of times within a timeframe, or else your account is deleted

What do you call someone who is inactive?


Just because they have 5-10 post or less does not make them inactive.


You must register to:

- Post in forums

- Post in news

- Submit news

- Post in Download Center

- Get email @ OverclockerMail.com

- Post in case gallery



We do send an email to those who have not been here within 6 months or so and invite them back. - I think Matt may actually remove the account if they don't. Not 100% on this one.

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I understand you can click find all posts by member, Im just saying it owuld be more convient for those last 10 posts to be in the users profile, like at the bottom of it, wouldnt that be more convenient?

no because that creates unnecessary bandwidth usage and longer load times for modem users. when viewing someone's profile, you don't always want to view their last ten posts. Most of the time i click on a user's profile it's either to view their age or location.

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no because that creates unnecessary bandwidth usage and longer load times for modem users. when viewing someone's profile, you don't always want to view their last ten posts. Most of the time i click on a user's profile it's either to view their age or location.

I dont know how much more bandwidth that would really take. What, maybe 1,000 characters of extra text? What is that, like 8kB of data? If anything, scowering the last ten posts of the member would just tax the server a little more.


I like the idea personally. I dont see how it would really do anything other than benefit the users.

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people register and just browse, not post, so i don't think yopu can really do that

Unlike the people who get 3 blue stars the first week they are here, I'm guessing Lego is right and that there are a lot of people who read/browse more than they post...


Maybe instead of allowing guests to post, maybe there could be a trial membership that could be used for up to a month - and allow registration to a free email acct. A "real" membership should still require a non-yahoo/hotmail/gmail acct, and the trial would allow for an efficent clean up of truly non-active people.




[edit] Nothing against posting a lot, just commenting. ;)

Edited by cybergrunt69

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