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Some Suggestion


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Ello all! :)


Well I have some suggestions =)


Number One


I noticed that there are some members who join, post one question and disipear, so I was thinking, maybe we could have a "guest" section, where "guests" can come and just post a question into a public area and members could go there and answer. By doing so, people will not have to be forced to join (which includes getting access to a non free based email) post a question and disipear forever. The few drawback that I can think of besides having to spend time making it would be there could be tons of confusion between all these hundereds or thousands of guests, also because non members can post there, we could recieve a lot of spam and or advertisement/junk.


Number Two


In the members profile at the botom, maybe it could show the members last 10 posts? Unlike the current system whree you either have to "Find all posts by this member" or go to my assistant>find last 10 posts (for finding your own) By having the last 10 posts shown in the profile section for each member, it could provide an added convenience. Lets say a person knew this other person postd a certain post earlyer on, searching is one option, but what if you could just click the guys name and find the last 10 posts? That would increase the effectivness of searcing :)


Well thats it, I hope i've been helpfull :D

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um when you click on find all post by this member the first 10 are the last ten they posted in order of last to first

:withstupid: although bishop's wording may be confusing ;) I agree....i don't see why we need a "last ten" specific option.


also, i think guest posting is a bad idea. like you said, it'd be hard to tell one guest apart from another, and it means anyone can post anything about anything anywhere without repurcusions. spam and flaming will go to an alltime high.

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i think u guys should put the guest section, but give guests less rights, like not able to post pictures, or posts after 5 minutes from a previous post so spamming will be less... things like that...

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Ok screw idea number one :P


But idea number two, I don tthink I clearly explained it.


I understand you can click find all posts by member, Im just saying it owuld be more convient for those last 10 posts to be in the users profile, like at the bottom of it, wouldnt that be more convenient?

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Can't the mods weed out the inactive members? (if they dont do it already) to get rid of some of the dead weight? or perhaps that when u get your account you have to log in a certain # of times within a timeframe, or else your account is deleted

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If we had a script set up for that, some absent members who are still folding would probably end up getting their accounts deleted, say something like "OMGZ0RZ YUOS IS ALL TEH SXU!!!111!!!1!", and fold for someone else... unless it's something like a 3 month period...

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