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It Fits!

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I was able to put a rev.3 VGA Silencer on my AIW 9800PRO. I had ordered it but was worried it might not fit. The heatsink does touch the tuner, but it doesn't affect it.


I took out that fan I had under the video card, it's nice not to hear that thing anymore. My case isn't any hotter from taking it out, either. :) The VGA silencer really does do a nice job cooling the card down. I don't have a temperature probe to check the temperature, it must be cooler though, probably by 10c or better. It's also very quiet on either speed. I can't even hear it over any of my other fans.


I will have a pic of it up later, it looks cool in my case. :) Just wanted to give the AIW-guys a heads-up that rev.3 does indeed fit.

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You must have already had a fan blowing at the card then. Either that, or there was not good contact with the GPU core. My silencer had a nice, shiny base on it, but there were some machining marks on it. I am extremely pleased with it, this is what ATI needs to put on from the factory.


I guess not everyone has the same luck with them. Sorry you had a bad experience with it. Since my card is so hot, the fan is always left on high. I can't tell a difference in thr two speeds.

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I've noticed that the vga silencers are actual worse than stock at their low setting. The only tiem I've ever seen artifacts from my card was when I had the silencer or 'low'. On high, it works like a dream. I've overclocked my core from 400mhz to 525mhz. :)

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i have a rev 5 on my 6800gt and its very good indeed! much better than the titchy stock thing you get on the 6800gt ref card. The only downer i would have about it is the sheer size of it! in some cases it can foul the ram slots as it sticks out alot! but the performance is brilliant.

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this is what ATI needs to put on from the factory.

They already have that. My HIS Radeon 9800 pro ICEQ comes with a VGA silencer stock. Great card, great heatsink, I highly recommend HIS and Arctic silencers.

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