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Kerry's Stance On Iraq!

Duke Atreides

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o, come on guys, give asus a break.  he's just a little cranky because the candidate he supports is losing ground.  Personally, I don't see why anyone would vote for Kerry.  You might as well go vote for a Magic Eight Ball....you'll get similar results.  (yep, i just made up that analogy myself, and i'm pretty darn proud of it.  lol...i think it's pretty self-explanatory and fits so well ;)).

~shakes Kerry~ Will i get my taxes back this year?

No F*in way! healthcare


~shakes Kerry~ Will i get my taxes back this year?

Definately... In fact, i will cut taxes in half too! healthcare




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Because everyone wants Bush :P


I know, not everyone, but it was a good point.

In my AP govt/politics class, we had a class vote at the beginning of the class and now that we've studied/learned some stuff, I'm one of 4 people that still votes for Bush. :blink:

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AP/Government class...


Just as an exercise in bias and teaching methods ask your teacher who they support, and then ask them to name 3 things that Bush has done that has had positive benefits for the nation. Then ask them if they think he "stole" the election in 2000.


The answers to those will then give you some perspective on the tone of the teaching you receive, and how much AGAINST Bush this teacher is.


Propaganda is taught in schools, usually it is subtlely trying to influence young students to think certain ways. What you LEARN and what is TAUGHT is what the teacher wants you to LEARN and be TAUGHT.


Don't let yourself get brainwashed.

Edited by Duke Atreides

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Bush is a moron!


Bush mislead us all!


Bush is an idiot!


Bush tricked us!


Bush is retarded!


Bush managed to fool the world!


Bush can't tie his shoes!


Bush has a genious plan to deny people the right to vote!


Bush is teh suck!


You people with your cutesy little slogans argue with yourselves most of the time, did you realise that? That is why conservatives laugh at you openly as liberals get more desperate and scream louder by bringing up EVERY stinking piece of dirt they can find to froth at the mouth over it making mud and throw it with all of their might at Bush. Libs have even gone to the lowest level my TYPING UP DOCUMENTS with Microsoft Word and try to pass them off as 1970's military documents (felony). Really, I am sorry you lot picked the absolute WORST candidate you could to run against Bush, and it saddens me that you guys hate your own candidate so badly. Here is towel to cry on.


Shhhh... there, there


It will be ok.

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