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Bush Takes 11 Point Lead!


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Tax breaks is moronic when we are in a defecit. If taxes stayed the same and went into programs that lowered the cost of insurance and food, things would be better.

No what is moronic is expanding gov't. Tax breaks are very effective, especially when you downsize on gov't.


As far as our deficit, maybe you should compare the percentage of our GDP to our Deficit. The word deficit doesn't mean a THING if you don't compare it to the GDP. Furthermore we have the lowest Deficit to GDP percentage IN THE WORLD. ;)

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I think the saddest thing is that this election really is who the lesser of the two evils is. :(

Unfortunately, I have to agree with Special K on this one. :(

I hope the world becomes a better place soon--environmentally, socially, politically,etc.

God bless the world, not just America. :lol:

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I'm sorry. I hate to say this, but Kerry is screwed. Bush is going to pull Osama Bin Laden out of his . about 2 weeks before the election. I saw a news headline on Yahoo! News last night that said "Officials say capture of Osama close!" Needless to say it'd be the ultimate event to have him win the election. It wouldn't suprise me if he's locked up somewhere already and they're just going to pull him out then.

Man, that would be sweet if they found Osama before the election (and i too think they will). Then what will people say? Right now they're blabbering that we went to war against Saddam, forgettinga bout Osama and letting him get away. They'll all look like bafoons once we capture Osama which WILL happen at some point, without a doubt.


Anyways, i stopped reading the thread once asus posted his longass rant. What is it with you, asus? Don't you know that some of us don't want to sit thru a single post for 20 mins?? You're not going to convince anyone to side with you when you ramble on for 2000 lines.


I for one am not suprised in the least bit that Bush jumped up in the polls after the RNC. I saw a lot of the major speeches, and they were great (Arnold's was the best speech i've ever heard by a politician). The only one that really attacked Kerry was Cheney, but that was his job. The Presidential candidate isn't supposed to rip against the opponent because it "looks bad" so they pass on that responsibility to the veep. The interesting thing, or sad thing depending on who you support, or funny thing, is that a lot of the so-called attacks were dead true, and THAT is why American's have come to their senses and there's such a big lead now. Cheney didn't have to lie about any of the flip-flopping Kerry has done because it's 100% true and all public knowledge.


4 more years

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Can't you see how you're flocking like sheep around a "cowboy"? "All hat - no cattle"... well that's just wrong and a misplaced criticism... YOU ARE his cattle. With an arrogant smirk he waves his hand and his cattle dance to his morbid tune of greed, fear and loathing.

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Can't you see how you're flocking like sheep around a "cowboy"?  "All hat - no cattle"... well that's just wrong and a misplaced criticism... YOU ARE his cattle.  With an arrogant smirk he waves his hand and his cattle dance to his morbid tune of greed, fear and loathing.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. :blink::wacko:

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What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. :blink::wacko:

lol. amen, ayokona :)

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