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Ever Decreasing Bandwidth

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Whenever I try to download a file my download rate starts high say 80Kb/sec but the then drops to 10 and sometimes 0. Then I have to Cancel/Resume the download. Wash, rise, repeat. Network proformance on this comp( the dual proc) seems to be slugish in general. I uninstaller QoS Packer scheduler. This has not hurt, though it has not helped. None on the other comps on the network are affected. I've used both download acclorator 7 and Ie. Both havethe same prob.


Is there some bandwidth hog in windows I don't know about??






Edit: going to dsl reports right now.

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These may have had somthing to do with it.


PC-cillin 2002 Log List

Time,Event,Source Type,Virus Name,File Name,First Action,Second Action

12:21,Real-time Scan,File,TROJ_DYcrapA.M,C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff Loper\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\O9430V0F\nem219[1].dll,Clean Fail,Delete Success,

12:21,Real-time Scan,File,TROJ_DYcrapA.M,C:\WINDOWS\nem219.dll,Clean Fail,Delete Success,

12:23,Real-time Scan,File,TROJ_DYcrapA.M,C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff Loper\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\O9430V0F\nem219[1].dll,Clean Fail,Delete Success,

12:23,Real-time Scan,File,TROJ_DYcrapA.M,C:\WINDOWS\nem219.dll,Clean Fail,Delete Success,

12:23,Real-time Scan,File,TROJ_REVOP.D,C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff Loper\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ANUVAP2Z\bdl14122[1].exe,Clean Fail,Delete Success,

12:23,Real-time Scan,File,TROJ_REVOP.D,C:\Program Files\Internet Optimizer\sim\bdl14122.exe,Clean Fail,Delete Success,

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