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God grrrrr Dfi

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Alright, so finally I get my new motherboard, a DFI NFII Ultra Infinity Rev. A. I put in the CPU and RAM and junk, then proceed to put the mobo into my case. After several attempts to get the PS/2 and other ports through that dang frame, I ditch the frame. So I put in the mobo, screw it in, and realize that the AGP and PCI ports don't align correctly with the holes to let them through. My blood temperature probably rose past safe levels at this moment. Is there any way I can get this craplet to fit without buying a new case? Oh, and if I move the mobo to make them fit, I can't screw it in and the Bass port is blocked.


PS: Now we get censored? :(

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Yes they are those "things" that will spearate the M/B from the case mounting. It is very important that these be installed. They not only keep the M/B grounded, but keeps it from shorting out.

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