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i hate political flovies. i hate nothing more when president bush gets bashed. ok....maybe he is different. i don't care what others think about him......i would MUCH rather him than Kerry. I bet he'll be JUST as bad.



I want to see each person who doesn't like the president, and i want to see them do a BETTER job!

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Yes all hail the president. Don't bad mouth the president after all he was elected. You'd think we live in Comunist Russia. When you hear anybody criticize Bush you jump all over him but yet criticize Kerry freely. Your double standard is ridiculous. I don't like either but don't say people shouldn't criticize Bush when you criticize Kerry. And we can't do the job thats why we are a Repulic we elect people to do the job for us. Heres an example: You hire someone to build a computer they do a bad job the thing doesn't work but you don't have the right to say anything about them cause your the one who couldn't build their own computer in the first place. Give me a break. Hes doing a job for all of us and if any of us have a problem with it we have the right to be mad about it. Because after all he works for us.

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Nobody said you cant bash bush. We're just saying we dont agree with bush basghin. So in turn, we bash kerry. And I do agree, it is wonderful that we are a democratic country. Cause we can elect people like bush. But then again, that means we could also elect someone like kerry :(

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yeah, I didnt bother clicking any of the links to flash cartoons because I'm enjoying my music. And political humor is getting old. And what's this??


must not be anything important <_>

wow. i seriously never saw that post. interesting.

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