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AMD vs. Intel

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I will say that I have used both, and that I will only use one or the other in certain applications. If you want CAD, 3D, or anything that uses math related or memory bandwidth intensive apps, use Intel. If you are the person that wants to game to the bitter end and wants to spend less money in something more efficient at playing games, go with AMD. However, Intel seriously needs to go back to the drawing board with their CPU designs. I can't recommend putting a Prescott in anything else other then a mid tower with excellent ventilation. I get customers that want to put these things into Pundit cases, Minuets, and other small desktop form factors like the Aria. I have to tell the sales guys to reconsider due to overheating issues.

Edited by FxXP

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With the arrival of nForce boards, AMD. Before the nForce2 came about I didn't want to go AMD due to the pooey motherboard chipsets. Maybe I just didn't have any luck around them.. who knows! I had an Intel machine with a Via chipset too (long time ago), which......sucked.... to put it plainly.


AMD's cheap and it performs well enough for me, so I will stick with that for now.

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I hate AMD there I said it



Wow That person sure doesnt know anything about computers. What a Ub3r n00b3r

Ummm did you not read the post I made right afterwards....lol


yeah I mean AMD is best for gaming


and true prescotts do overheat alot, but if you can find a way to keep them cool (xp-120 for me) then they are really good

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Guest Silenc3

Amd has the obvious head on intel when it comes to gaming, but those, who do alot fo that multi-media crap rather intel, its more of a choice of preference than whos better than whom.

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If you've got X amount of cash in your pocket to buy a new Mobo and cpu, who gives a hot dang who made it, you'll read reveiws then you'll buy the fastest thing your money can buy you for doing what you want to do with it. Surely AMD fans wouldn't buy the next generation of Amd processors if they were buck for buck half the performance of the next Generation of Intel ones and vice versa, solely to stick with a name?, as it happens, at the moment, AMD have the value edge when it comes to performance per dollar, in, say, two years time, Intel may come out with something that makes A64 look like a zx spectrum and be cheaper, then you'd have to be a mug to stay with AMD.

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If you've got X amount of cash in your pocket to buy a new Mobo and cpu, who gives a hot dang who made it, you'll read reveiws then you'll buy the fastest thing your money can buy you for doing what you want to do with it. Surely AMD fans wouldn't buy the next generation of Amd processors if they were buck for buck half the performance of the next Generation of Intel ones and vice versa, solely to stick with a name?, as it happens, at the moment, AMD have the value edge when it comes to performance per dollar, in, say, two years time, Intel may come out with something that makes A64 look like a zx spectrum and be cheaper, then you'd have to be a mug to stay with AMD.

That too :)

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true true


well, then it seems pretty settled, AMD is doing better now, but intel will come out with something better in ike 2 years so, noone is really actually better than the other one.



EDIT: Question? Does AMD make processors for labtops, or servers?

Edited by CoolMaster

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Yes they make a mobile version of thier chips, which I hear are awesome overclockers. They also make a server chip called the Opteron. Bigred is the one to ask about specific things on these chips....well hes not the only one but the first that comes to mind.


Edit: Intel brainwashes people lol, thats one of the most amusing things I have heard in awhile. I can see it now...each CPU is designed with a self activating subliminal messaging algorithm. When you boot up and the BIOS info flashes if you read it very closely, rearange some of the letters, and a few here, it reads INTEL WILL RULE THE WORLD, and AMD IS A BUNCH OF NINNIES!! I


ntel has been known to the public longer for thier processors then AMD, they are the mainstream chip provider...does that mean that Intel chips are better, for some things yes, just as AMDs are better for other things.


They both do what they were made to do well enough....though I will point out the price difference between them has dwindled, which I think is great AMD deserves to make more money of thier product...and it forces intel back into competing fully against AMD. Its good for both.

Edited by Cyberbeer

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true, like i said

Intel good for stuff

so is amd

there is NO real winner

and the competition is good for everyone

Im glad AMD exists, I like intel more, but if amd wasnt here intel pentium 1's would still cost like 8000000000000000000000 dollars

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Intel CPU's now are way overpriced if your planning on buying a CPU for a gaming rig. You can spend the same money (Athlon 64's arnt cheap either you know) and get a processor that is faster for gaming. Im sure intel will release a new giant though that will swing a lot of the amd croud to intel, just like the launch of the athlon 64 CPUs, a lot of intel gamers changed to AMD.


But lets face it, the P4C cpu's pwned the athlon XP's and the Athlon 64's are pwning the new LGA775 prescotts.

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