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AMD vs. Intel

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Anyone interestied in doing some acctuall compairisons of various chips? I'm looking for someone who has a pentium 4 3.0c or 3.2c (as the are very close in price to the cpu I am useing) that has been stably overclocked on good air cooling to do some compairisons against my chip. I'm not interested in bragging rights or anything like that I would just like to get a serious look at the pros and cons of both chips across a variety of uses.


I'm only interested in stable OCs that can be used 24/7 with no probs. OCing just to get something stable for 5 minutes to get the last few hundred points in a bechmark is utterly pointless IMO.


Anyone willing? Also, what apps/benchmarks would be best?

I would love to put together some performance benchmarks of various CPUs running Folding@Home, dedicated, non-stop, all running the same WU so we can set up some "bang-for-the-buck" charts for use in setting up folding farms.


I have a couple of AMD 2600+ machines and a P4 3.0C. I would be willing to donate their time to doing this type of analysis.


I feel OralPain's idea is extremely constructive and we could pin the results for others to use.


So far I think OralPain, TheSternMystic, road-runner and Nemo (me) are willing to partcipate. Any others?


Great idea OralPain!

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If everyone who is willing to participate agrees that Folding would be a good test, I'll bop on over to the folding community forums and get some ideas how best to do this.


Oral, I'm not trying to hijack your idea, so let us know if you had something different in mind.

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If you want to evaluate how cache affects performance in the AXP line at various speeds, I'd be happy to participate in this experiment since my processor only has 256k L2 cache.

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why dose every one say that amd is cheaper when you look at the stock speeds there equal when a amd athlon xp 3000 is rated at 2.1ghz 400fsb and the price is $150 and when you look at intel you got a you git a northwood 2.4ghz 533fsb for the same price i mean what is the difference other thin intel comes at a higher speed for the same price? plus intels thermal throttleing to prevent the chip from overheating amd dont provide that kind of service :huh:

Edited by confuzzedintelguy

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