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The Ultimate In Cooling

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Plenty of places sell Vapochills and other refridgeration cooling. Just google it.


There are no liquid nitrogen systems, and least the kind ytou are refering too. LN2 is a temporary thing, most LN2 PC cooling basically consists of people pouring it on their PCs and doing some benchmarking before it evaporates.

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You will not be able to buy a MachII, Nventiv went bankrupt and quit making the units.


The only Vapo worth getting is the new LS model. They offer good temps for a stock system, and can be upgraded in the future. I like mine, but I've been partial to nventiv.

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The only Vapo worth getting is the new LS model. They offer good temps for a stock system, and can be upgraded in the future. I like mine, but I've been partial to nventiv.

Where can that one be found ?

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You can still purchase nventiv products in stores, but once they run out...that's it.


The Vapo LS really is a good deal. It comes with a stronger compressor and is already filled with r404a gas. They are tuned for a 200+W`load, which is one of the only drawbacks. Any good refrigeration shop should be able to adjust the cap tube length, and re-tune it for a lower load. Also, they come in at around $800, so its not a bad price for a very good cooling unit.


I bought mine direct from Astetk b/c of a sponsorship/review deal. FroenCPU normally keeps them in stock and offers pretty good prices.

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Dude, you dont buy that kinda stuff off of ebay, you dont know theyve "done" with it. Its TOO easy to waste a couple hunderd bucks off of ebay...


Not to mention, that is a standard Vapo unit...those aren't very good. They don't provide near the temps that a LS or GT do, and the they don't require any extra parts.

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