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Who Hates Mac!?

Bboy Satch

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Mac's are better if you are into graphical design. I don't know them because they hard hard to customize and are horrible for gaming lol.

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alienware systems are SO over priced it's not funny. I built my opteron 248 system WITH a mach II for the same price as alienware's big area 51 with the athlon fx-51 and 1/4th the ram, only 7200 rpm sata drives (I use 15k u320 drives)... and I think my system will win out in gaming, 3d animation, vid edit, audio edit ect...


next to the price of a fully loaded G5 I can build a dual opteron 250 with 8gb of ram and some nice 10k u320 drives that will BLOW it away



now software for the PC 64 bit vs the mac:


photoshop DOES have the extensions on the beta of thier new version (which follows in the footsteps of the last 3 versions of being written on a PC and ported to mac... reverse of the old days)

ut2k4: we had it first and still runs better on a pc

halo: we had it first

warcraft III: we had it first

BF1942: we had it first

final cut pro and it's offspring on the mac can't hold upto canopus and avid... so why do we need final cut?


and that's just on the windows end. I have no idea what is out for the Linux end of the 64 bit amd setup.

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Macromedia Stuff, PC Has it

Games: The list goes on, PC has them first and more

Looks...see case mod section/case pages on newegg.com

and it's true that Macs are easier to upgrade than pc, you just pick it up, throw it away and buy a new one. like the video says

PC's have more buttons on the mouses.


Mac 2---PC <><> ...that's an infinity sign....or as close as i can make...

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LOL, Love the Video. I have only used a mac for grahpics stuff in High School. You can get a mouse for your mac with as many buttens as you want, you just have to buy and install it yourself. :lol: Which sounds like fun. I have though about getting a used mac and learning to network it and then using it for F@H. Oh I like the idea of having usb ports in your keybord I've only seen that on a mac., though I am told you can get pc keybords like that. Any one ever thought about how you could o/c a mac?

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And let's not forget that OS X is made 64-bit for the G5. Windows isn't available as a 64-bit to the general public yet. Mac: 1 Windows: 0

Yeah... I'm not going to get into this argument much, but this statement I just can't stand.


1) Win 64 is available as a year long free trial


2) You say which would we rather have, year long or life long? Well guess what, Win 64 1 year is free. And by the time that year is over, the actual release of Win 64 will have come, and we'll have the lifelong version. And we'll have gotten the first year free.

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LOL, Love the Video. I have only used a mac for grahpics stuff in High School. You can get a mouse for your mac with as many buttens as you want, you just have to buy and install it yourself. :lol: Which sounds like fun. I have though about getting a used mac and learning to network it and then using it for F@H. Oh I like the idea of having usb ports in your keybord I've only seen that on a mac., though I am told you can get pc keybords like that. Any one ever thought about how you could o/c a mac?

yeah i've seen usb ports on PC Keyboards....and monitors...

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Jeez, who would've thought that people could get so worked up about MAC's?


Fair point raised about the "industry standard" though: how often do you see three-wheeled cars? Not very. But when you do, you admire the driver for his/her guts...



.....then you laugh



But as I am a reasonable guy (LOL), lets make a point that MAC's don't get as many Virii as Windows users. And Microsoft make Office XP for the MAC too.


Without having an equal knowledge of both, nobody can really be critical of either operating system.


What should be done is to get a person who has never used either OS and let them spend a day on each...

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Guest ThermalGuru
There OS is built for *new word* easyuseability not configurability, they are great for people just getitng into computers, because there is not alot to learn, and the dock is kinda a dumb . thing.. for stupid people :D but there are hardly any viruses and things to wory about so again.. its great for older or very young people to get introduced into computers.. speeking of the dock. .thats all i use :D

That is a kickin' desktop!


Won't be able to play that game on a Mac.


Need I say more?

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again I'll say this about the virus problems on pc vs mac


1 in 10 systems have a virus (example here not actual fact)


there are 100,000 macs, there are 5,000,000 pc's... who has more system's infected?

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How about we come to a final agreement:




-More support for apps

-Gets apps long before they get ported to Macs




-Great for video and audio editing

-Good for games (in terms of playability, not amount of games)

-Sexy looks (if computers have . appeal?!?)


Let's end this discussion. We've gone overkill on it.

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Now that is the funniest video ive ever seen... I hate MACs, Why you ask well look through the post.. Either HyperSonicSpirit is on Apples pay roll or you really like MACs over PCs.. BTW i grew up with the MAC and PC and Windows 3.1 pwns.. MACs do not look better. You think all grey is appealing even with the mesh grills on the G5 nothing comes close to a PC case man.. Look through the Cases on this site and tell me Mac looks better... o also like the handle thing someone mentioned..

Edited by Xtreme21

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