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So me and my friend just got into this xbox thing, and i started searching the inteernetand seen stuff about modchips. What exactly do they do? I have also head that you can install linux on an xbox. Can you? I am also wanting to put a 160gb hdd in it. Is it possible? It is a normal ide one that would go in a pc. Any thing you guys know about modding an xbox let me know. I tried an xbox modding forum, but lets just say they werent the nicest people around




And yes i am a total newb at this.I get my xbox tomorrow :D

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There was an article in pop sci about that. yea you can put modd chips and linux on it but if u caught u in trouble. They take ur xbox off there network and cant acess xbox live =(. If u gona do it there is a switching chip that hides the linux.


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ok heres what i got. I am buying this modchip MOd Chip

And i am using this guide Guide


After i do that i am installing a 160 gb hard drive. Then i want to flash the bios but i am not sure how. Any one know how? And i am also replacing the fan with a green led one. And then i want to install linux if i can figure out how to.

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The modchip allows you to play burned games, it also allows you to save games to your hard drive and play them right off of it(it is like a image mounter. like alcohol 120 or dameon tools) And it lets you put videos on it,instead of just audio

isnt that sweet?

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Haha. Good luck man.


Ive modded my xbox and my sisters xbox. Ive got a 120Gb in mine and an 80 in hers. If you can solder at all, theyre really easy to put in. And once you find the bios you want to use when you flash the chip, just put a junk file on a cdrw thats about 200Mb and call it ABC.BIN then put the bios image on the cdrw with the name BIOS.BIN and once you get your modchip installed and you boot up your xbox the cromwell bios on the chip will automatically flash your bios with the new bios. Its really easy to do. Once you do that of course you can use an auto installer. I would recommend using an evox autoinstalling to format and partition your hard drive. Thats what I used. Worked like a charm. And once you get evox on there you can ftp everything else over to the xbox. No need to ever burn a disc.


One thing though. I dont really think you need the Pro version modchip. Unless you actually have a need for four different bios and an lpt flash port, there really is no need. I would just stick with the lite version and save yourself some money. Im using the 2.2lite and the 2.3liteb and they both work great. System-mods.us is a great site too. Freakin fast delivery and wonderful customer support.


If you have any problems or need any help with your modding let me know. I have quite a bit of experience with these things.


GL man.

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Thanks alot andrusk,. I can already tell you i will need your help :D . But i am goin to buy my xbox after school. And i am orderin my modchip today also. I have decided to get a solderless one. It isa lite one like you said. Is there a problem withy this one, or will it work good? Chip

And i am also ordering some green cathodes for it nd a green led fan :P . I will keep you guys up to date with some pics and stuff.









i am either gettin this skinDots

or this one(i really like this one) Linux

Edited by 4MD_4_M3

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Your not really gonna put linux on there are you? I mean, it is a computer, and can be a fully functional linux box. But there really is no point to having linux on a slow computer. XBMC and MXM can do anything you need with an xbox.

I spray painted my xbox. No wimpy skins for me :P Ill take some pics and show you though. Its pretty sweet.


And as far as the modchip. I would not recommend getting the solderless modchip. They do work, and they work just as well as the soldered ones. But, you have to align the d0 with the lpc points, then screw it down. Now what they dont tell you is that if you bump your xbox or it gets jossled, that d0 point is more than likely gonna get un-aligned and youll have to crack open your xbox and reposition it every time. I would say its worth it to just get the 2.3liteb and solder that sucker in. If its soldered in it aint gonna come free. Unless you get a cold solder joint, but that only comes from not soldering properly (<happened to me).



^Ive installed two of these. They work very nice :)

there ya go. $18 bucks less and it wont come loose when you bump your xbox.


And if your worried about soldering dont be. I had never soldered before I soldered my modchip. I practiced for about a week on an old NIC card I had and by the time my modchip got here I was a pro. Just read a soldering tut and youll be fine.


Let me know what you do. I like stuff like this. :)


*all this talk is making me wanna do something else with my xbox. I need a bigger hard drive...uggg*



Also, Im not sure if theyve found a fix yet. But you need to make sure when you buy your xbox that you dont pick up a new one. They have a new version out. I think its version 1.6. I dont think theyve figured out the new board design yet because M$ did a total overhaul and its likely that the current chips will not work on a 1.6 board. Check out the xbox-scene tuts on how to tell what version you have.


One thing you might wanna do is pick up a refurbished box from a gamestop or eb games or something like that. Those are perfect cause theyre usually older models and are more compatible with the modchips.

Edited by andrusk

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OK andrusk i am gonna go with you and get one that is soldered. I will get the 2.3b lite :P How do practice on an on a old nic? Do i just solder wires on it for practice? I got the Special edition halo xbox and i am gonna be uying my modchip whenever i get my ram sold. I stil have had no luck with finding a mouse :( I played the crap outta halo today :lol: I like it alot better on xbox. So where do i go from here? I got te xbox, now what? Do i have to wait for the modchip to do any thing to it? Ot is there stuff i can do now?





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