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Can Anyone Beat This Oc?

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finished testing my new EVGA GF FX 5950 ultra...hehehehe....


core now at 570 and mem now at 1.05Ghz , WooT....


on stock cooling!

i'm getting 19K in 3dmark 01 now and still getting more with more tweaks!...


beat that...lol

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finished testing my new EVGA GF FX 5950 ultra...hehehehe....


core now at 570 and mem now at 1.05Ghz , WooT....


on stock cooling!

i'm getting 19K in 3dmark 01 now and still getting more with more tweaks!...


beat that...lol

With no artifacts?

I would look for some artifacts in games b4 coming to conclusions that it is stable..

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finished testing my new EVGA GF FX 5950 ultra...hehehehe....


core now at 570 and mem now at 1.05Ghz , WooT....


on stock cooling!

i'm getting 19K in 3dmark 01 now and still getting more with more tweaks!...


beat that...lol

Haha, the funny part is that I get 18.5K in 3dmark01, and I've only get a flashed 9700 at 343/686. That doesn't speak too well for the NV3x architecture.

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thank you considering the link to the barton core is really old . hate to see what this newer barton i have that does 2500mhz would do totally tweaked out, but i really dont try for high bench scores anymore. if i can play games with no slowdown im happy

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there are lots of factors that keep me from higher scores....my sata drive isn''t fast on my DFI ( well known problem)

i'm running cas 3 at 247FSB with only 9.5 multiplier because of the heat....

and yeah i know that it doesn't perform as good as an 9800XT but i chose nvidia for other features which ati sucks at..lol...


anyways.... i'm rpoud that i got it up so far and will be even higher when i'm finished with my WC and pelt setup for CPU and GPU...hehehe

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