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I was looking at posts and post count wondering why I was ranked so low....


Well I have the solution, I DO NOT POST BS POSTS my posts usually consist of 3 sentences of information, not the usual




or the ever popular :yea:


or even yea I tried that


I answer questions in the fullest information possible by my knowledge and I edit myself of the afore mentioned bs posts one or 2 might be brief but they usually have a useable content/answer.


I would like to go to a forum and see the question and a couple of possible answers not the 36 posts of crap.


Just posting for the betterment of the community not of my ranking


watch the bs posts pile up below this just to tick me off :angry:

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Well, this is why:

  • 1 - Post count does not matter, nor is it displayed unless you go looking for it
    2 - There is a warning system, so that people who post useless stuff can be warned, or banned if needed.
    3 - An "ignore" option. If you find someone posting a lot of stuff you find "useless", then ignore them.
    4 - A "report post" option for each message. If you feel that there is a "needless/useless post" then report it. A mod will be notified and will take look at it, and if its needed the post will be deleted. If you (or anyone else) don't report these type of messages, then you might as well be posting the "useless stuff" as well.


Topic moved to Comments/Feedback.

Edited by d3bruts1d

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No offence but this thread isn't helping your cause. I totally understand and I'm sure everone else on this forum does as well, it's not something that needs to be pointed out.


Besides, it's the rule of the mods around here. If they feel that someone is spamming or such, then they deal with it (trust me ;)). Anyways, not trying to flame or anything, just making a point. :rolleyes:


Bah! d3 beat me to it! Just when I click "Add Reply" I got redirected... :)

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I was kinda pointing it out so as those who do post the bs MIGHT realize they are doing it and hopefully quit or bring it to a minimum If nothing is said It isnt a problem right....... Thats kinda the way the place I work at is NO one says anything the problem/situation doesnt exist. I work R&D for the 2nd largest garage door manufacturer in the world and things go along if no problems exist and it goes for months on end


By saying something I hope to help the cause not be more crap on the mountain of trash

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Well, lets put in terms of customer service, seeing that you do R&D.


This is a forum. A forum is a place of mixed ideas, thoughts, and answers. Some are relevant, some are not. A forum does not charge for support, nor guarantees the answers that one provides on it.


The saying "you get what you pay for" is what I would say in this case. Since you don't pay for using a forum, are you going to get top notch customer service for a problem? Probably not.


Moderation of forums helps control that problem to a certain degree, but if an answer that someone provides screws up your system, the moderators themselves are not liable for that.


This differs when you call the company that made a product you paid for and you want support for it. Generally that person you are speaking to knows the product enough to provide a reliable answer as anyone that works with him.


Now, I hope that I have clarified the difference between free third party resources and official suppprt for a product that may be paid for. This is in no way an attempt to bash forums, I find the majority of people here to be quite adversed in what they know. However, take what you see with a grain of salt and leave it at that.

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I was under the belief that posting in some forums did not help you gain stars? I am sure they are added to your total post.

Exactly.This forum is kind of "spam-proofed" by denying any advantage to be gained by inflating your post total.It's also a little arrogant to consider yourself the judge of the quality of the content of what others have to say.

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OK R&D research and development I make and break stuff NO CUSTOMER SERVICE

I would like to think that helping others and contributing helpful information and advice I "pay" for my belonging and use of this forum


I was just hoping to STREAMLINE a little more than having to have to deal with the BS posts.

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i think the answer is quite simple if you don't like it then don't use it, i like the fact some people contribute little it shows that there's a real community and your not gonna get flamed for anything you say i feel like i belong to this community plus there's never been a time when ive had a problem and it not been answered by occ [/end rant]

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OK R&D research and development I make and break stuff NO CUSTOMER SERVICE

I would like to think that helping others and contributing helpful information and advice I "pay" for my belonging and use of this forum


I was just hoping to STREAMLINE a little more than having to have to deal with the BS posts.

Thanks for your ideas...


you see... your not getting anywhere... kinda like mud running with street tires... not to be rude or anything but the mods have already given you an answer and this thread is just getting people making suggestions and you go back to the same thing you had in the first post... "This forum is full of bs." In this case you really have 2 choices 1. Leave the forum (I hope you wont) 2. Put up with it and use the tools d3 said up at the top of the thread to battle the bs.

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