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Vcore Bumped


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Ok cool...got it up and running at 3.9 GHZ with a bump to 1.7 on the vcore...higher and lower didn't work..had to bump the mem voltage to 2.65 as well....2.75 is the rated voltage by corsair..so a little under is cool.... idle temp is 36C..not too bad..very touchy chip...so emotional and sensitive....stlll not sure about stability tho...just letting run no load for a bit. :P

thanks nuclear and everyone else....now if it will just run prime...folding came up and was running no problem...

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I never use Folding to test stability.....


2 reasons.... first...while it runs your CPU at 100% it doesn't stress it to the level of Prime or a few others ....


and second and more importantly, is the Folding doesn't have the error correction built in to the level of other programs.... so there is a potential that a system that is right on the verge of instability doesn't actually crash when running Folding, but sends in incorrect data....



Congrats on the OC though...

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thanks again...now it has been stable with no load to speak of for a few hours and no problems...It even ran through a few prime95 tests successfully..YEAH! The next really obvious question is max cpu temp... it runs 49C to 54C with prime95 with no problems....Whats the max temp to be safe?? :huh:

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1.872 volts?? Why did you go that high... surely u didnt need it to be run that high :huh:


Are you using stock cooling? If you are then those temps are pretty good with a vcore that high.

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I set the bios at 1.7 so I don't understand how it's bumped up. Could it be the performance mode or accelerator on auto that does it? I have mbm alarm set to 58C..max I have seen is 55 with prime. I know prime also varies the load a bit. Some tests are tougher. Using a cooler master for now. I am seriously considering H2O if I go much higher...right now the room temp is 85 and the idle temp is 39-40. This machine is very sensitive to environment as well...I tried lower vcore and it would not load XP. But I also had the mem voltage on "auto" as well..maybe with memory on a fixed value I can lower the vcore some. Asus has a great mobo but it tries to think for itself a bit much at times.prime95 runs the way it is..don't know how long yet..I read that 70C is meltdown for a cpu but I want no part of that. So what's a real safe Max temp?

Edited by fantom

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This may seem stupid seeing as though you have PC4000 ram... but try setting the ratio to 5:4 and run 1.6 volts through it, see if that works. Its just a suggestion though, probly wont do anything but its worth a try.

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That is interesting though. I agree the vcore is too high. The temps are ok by comparison but they jump quickly with prime or if the room is too warm. Still trying to figure out why the bios is set at 1.7 and cpu z reads it at 1.8+ It fluctuates too....as low as 1.76...why..why...why?? I can't complain too much..prime has been running for a few hours now and under load the vcore drops within range..see attached....either way I will burn it in for awhile..might help it to settle down...everything is still very new..specially the memory. thanks for the idea...I like the oc on your 9800....the tweaker on mine max's the mem at like 500...thanks again..

Edited by fantom

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