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^needs to go to one single yankees game to figure out why


< doesn't need to wonder why everyone hates the yankees

<<knows that it's b/c new yorkers are a bunch of stuck up snobby a*holes

<<<knows the yankees are just a bunch of crybabies when the lose too

<<<<knows he need not go on about why they suck so much


V can't prove the yankees DONT suck

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Is a rule # 6 breaker (if you do not know it too bad)

<Has better things to do then bother with baseball like date

<Laughing at the cruel irony that parents left for the weekend but he just dumped his GF the day before


Is a bad bad man if he laughs at my sad dating dilema


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has good ideas but they require effort

< is lazy

<first thing he found was a .38 special and 150 rounds of ammunition in his father's closet

<second thing he found was 5 bottles of irish whiskey youngest being 10 years

<isn't gonna mess with either


Would be tempted to drink the whisky and this is a bad bad man


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doesn't of the 30 + bottles of wine my father keeps in our basement good stuff from when we were in europe too



Also doesn't know of one or two bottles of scotch that are stashed somewhere


< Finds it funny that his father has so much liqour but rarely touches it and when he does it takes a week to a month to go through a bottle


Better not try for the liqour as I can be armed in less then a minute :lol:


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^needs to go to one single yankees game to figure out why



V can't prove the yankees DONT suck

^ lol. what a joke.


kirky, it's the exact opposite of what this jerk said. It's cause of jealousy. Yankee fans crybabies?? Since when? BoSox fans are the crybabies. Complaining about an "Evil Empire", when they have the second highest payroll...hypocrisy? uh, yeah. Besides which, it's been proven that it isn't the amount of money that wins championships, it's how you USE the money that determines how great a team can become. If Boston put up another 3 mil, they could have easily gotten A-Rod, but they were penny-pinchin idiots, and thus, he's now a Yankee. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who would say A-Rod wasn't worth the extra few mil to get the deal done.


And obviously xboarder has never been to yankee stadium. If you want to go to a stadium with a bunch of a'holes, then go to fenway, where the fans actually spit on players. NY fans, in any sport, only retaliate when they're provoked. If you're not an ., they won't do or say anything to. I'm a Cowboy fan, so i know how it is. I'm not obnoxious, and thus, i've never had any problems. And i know plenty of non-yankee fans that have gone to yankee games simply for the experience of being in yankee stadium, and they all loved it and never had any problems with it.


V either likes the yankees, is jealous of the yankees, or doesn't follow american baseball

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