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Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Apple Against Samsung

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A United States appeals court has ruled in favor of Apple in one of two remaining court cases against Samsung. The ruling established that Samsung "used patented designs and two features of the Apple iPhone in older models of its devices." Apple was awarded $548 million in damages which equates to about two days of iPhone sales. The court also ruled that the "iPhone’s appearance that Apple sought to protect is as much about function as beauty, and isn’t eligible for perpetual coverage under U.S. trademark law," which could cost the company $382 million. Apple spokesman Josh Rosenstock addressed the ruling stating "Even though Samsung must pay for its widespread infringement of our patents, this case has always been about more than money. It’s about innovation and the hard work that goes into inventing products that people love, which is hard to put a price on." At this point it appears that the two companies are ready to move forward from the long history of court battles.

Source: Bloomberg

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I had to stop reading when they said its about more than money..........

I stopped at "...is as much about function as beauty..." Apple notoriously cuts function for form, it's one of the truly unique things they do! (They should sue Samsung about that with the new Ssux, since they copied that business strategy this time around)

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