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AMD FX-6300 Voltage & Overclocks


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Wassup guys! Long time since I have posted anything and it seems like there are a lot of different people here now!


Anyway I was wondering what sort of overclocks people are getting with their FX-6300's, I am getting 4.5ghz but I have upped the voltage from 1.404 to 1.440. From what I am reading this is a huge increase in voltage given the clock, but it is stable here.

So basically do you guys that that that voltage is really high or not? I am using a Corsair H80 so there is quite a lot of headroom heat wise.

Cheers guys!

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4.6Ghz @ ~1.48 volts, the voltage drop on my board is ridiculous. I set it at 1.55 volts in bios and the board drops it down a lot. Max temp after 12 hours of prime 95 was 56*. What board did you get?

Edited by slick2500

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Sabertooth 990fx, to be fair it is a pretty good overclocker, if I set the voltage it will stick to that mostly, do you use manual or offset? I haven't had a different mobo since the LGA775 days so this whole offset thing is new to me. I read somewhere that going over 1.5v was a dick move, agree or disagree?

Edited by johnace01

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  • 7 years later...

Depending on your cooling solution, I wouldn't go above 1.425 on the stock cooler and 1.450 on something like a Hyper 212. I would save the 1.55 for a fluid cooled CPU. That would be my recommendation for pretty much all the FX processors. Try to keep the temp at 70C or below. That will be safe. Turn off all the power saving features while overclocking, but you can leave HPC enabled. These settings can be turned back on when you find your stable speed. Leave the FSB alone and enable XMP. Keep the "HT Link" and "Uncore Frequency" on Auto. They may be called something else in your bios. Don't overclock from software.......use the bios. Decent motherboards are a must. LLC is definitely in the "nice to have" category, but not absolutely necessary. You can see your "vdroop" and adjust accordingly. VRM cooling heatsink is nice..........but not a "must have". Don't take more than you need and you'll be fine. I build systems and overclock every one of them for maximum performance, mostly the Phenom II and FX processors. My favorites for overclocking are the FX6300 and the Phenom II 965 BE. I've achieved the highest stable overclocks above base frequency with these two.

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