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Overclocking my i7 950


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Hey guys


I currently have my i7 950 overclocked to 3.9Ghz with about a 0.09v increase in vcore and 1.31v on QPI, but I want to push it further.


I have a MSI x58 Pro-E, Noctura D14, Nanoxia Deep Silence 1 and 3x2GB Elixir 1600Mhz RAM.


Edit: Should mention that I'm hitting 97 degrees C on my current set up on max load. Idle is around 55 - 60.


Could I possibly hit 4.2Ghz?

Edited by Mxblue

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that is a really high temp. I would drop everything to stock and reseat the heatsink. hopefully you still have thermal throdling on, otherwise you may have a dead cpu soon.


With watercooling I was getting 55c load using a i7 920 @ 4.2 and a headsink was around 70c. 80+ is high, though the thermal limit i think intel set is 100. I'm not sure anymore what intel spec says. it's been a while.

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My CPU clocks down when it hits 97c so I think I'm safe for now. When I get home, I'll reseat the heatsink, through I'm pretty sure my TIM application is the problem here.


Is there any guide to applying the TIM?

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There are many methods to applying TIM, it's usually best to go to the manufactures site and see what they recommend. Depending on the type of TIM your using will dictate how much to use and the best way to apply it.. You can google "TIM application" and get several guides.



But until you get your temps under control, you may have to back down on your current oc. And as most OC'ing guides say, not all chips are created equal. But them temps do seem high for the amount of volts you are using..

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why buy an i7 then..

I just meant to temporarily lower his temps until he straightens out the problem (unless his board has a save profile function, which I still think it'd be easier to just disable HT now and then re-enable it when he's done his troubleshooting)

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Thanks for the suggestions! I would rather not disable hyper-threading since I do actually use it. Even if I do it temporarily, I'll have to turn it back on at some point and I'll face the heat then.


Anyway, I reseated the heatsink and reapplied the thermal paste and all seems pretty good. Temps range from 30c-40c on standard application and 60c max on load (tested overnight because I am an idiot and left p95 on).


Do those figures seem good? Anyone have a decent guide to overclocking where I can volt things more efficiently?

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why buy an i7 then..

I just meant to temporarily lower his temps until he straightens out the problem (unless his board has a save profile function, which I still think it'd be easier to just disable HT now and then re-enable it when he's done his troubleshooting)


Ahh, missunderstood, long day at work :)


Thanks for the suggestions! I would rather not disable hyper-threading since I do actually use it. Even if I do it temporarily, I'll have to turn it back on at some point and I'll face the heat then.


Anyway, I reseated the heatsink and reapplied the thermal paste and all seems pretty good. Temps range from 30c-40c on standard application and 60c max on load (tested overnight because I am an idiot and left p95 on).


Do those figures seem good? Anyone have a decent guide to overclocking where I can volt things more efficiently?

Them temps look much better. For a guide I usually just use google to see what others are doing an what they find are decent settings.. then comes the trial and error,,


or just start by setting the multiplier to 21 or 19 (use an odd number with that series) then start raising frequency in like increments of 10 until it becomes unstable tweek the voltages a bit (dont raise everything just one at a time) and try again.. Keep an eye on temps. once I get to a point where load temps are as high as I want to take them I start fully testing stability.. (I usually use IntelBurnTest initially for testing then occt and prime95 when I get near where I want it.) you may have to back down on the oc at that point to get it fully stable..

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