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Gun control


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Obama is just the man of the hour, riding a wave of collective mindlessness since the Newtown shooting.  The roots of our being screwed go much deeper, the whole system is completely corrupt, owned lock stock and barrel by huge corporations.  If they want something the people don't, they just attach it to a "must pass" bill and it's a done deal.  No tragedy goes unexploited, terrorist acts get us the patriot act and executive orders allowing American citizens to be detrained without rights. and without cause.  Food safety scares get us an Agriculture sectetary with ties to Monsanto, and an FDA head who came directly from Monsanto.  The list goes on and on.


What we won't get:  An executive order ordering that all food sources be labelled especially for GMO's.  An order limiting campaign contributions to $100, taking the money out of politics.  An order abolishing the capital gains tax rate so hedge fund managers have to pay the same taxes as everyone else.  An order ending oil futures speculation which benefits only wealthy parasites, and could instantly drop the price of gas over a dollar a gallon.  the list goes on...


Yes we are scewed.


Nor will we get term limits and tort reform.......

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I'm troubled by the part amending the Health Care Bill - why in the heck would your physician ask you about guns in the home?  That doesn't make any sense.  It also sounds to me like the Feds will pull the purse strings when it comes to your health care provider reporting to the NCIS if you are having mental health problems.  If so better get all your scrips for depression, anxiety, PTS and any other potential "mental health" medication before all this goes into affect.  Because if you speak with your physician in private in the future and he determines that  you are having mental health issues, he just might report you.


Guess what - congratulations - you are now officially on the list of folks "banned" from buying, owning or even possessing a firearm. 

I'd say you hit the nail on the head there, it's the same reason your doctor might ask you about if you've had any alcohol recently, so they can diagnose you as an alcoholic and send you to rehab for some occasional whine during special dinners. This is a lot of the reason I try to refuse to answer or lie to doctors when they ask me about stuff that doesn't have anything to do with what I'm seeing them for. This is especially true if the government or companies with an agenda are paying for your doctor visits and stuff like that, they have it so they can get that information and profit on it. I've seen this sort of stuff happen to several people I know and it makes it hard for me to want to see any doctors when I break a toe or something like that out of fear that I might be diagnosed with depression because I wasn't looking particularly cheerful during that visit.

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I'm troubled by the part amending the Health Care Bill - why in the heck would your physician ask you about guns in the home?  That doesn't make any sense.  It also sounds to me like the Feds will pull the purse strings when it comes to your health care provider reporting to the NCIS if you are having mental health problems.  If so better get all your scrips for depression, anxiety, PTS and any other potential "mental health" medication before all this goes into affect.  Because if you speak with your physician in private in the future and he determines that  you are having mental health issues, he just might report you.


Guess what - congratulations - you are now officially on the list of folks "banned" from buying, owning or even possessing a firearm. 

I'd say you hit the nail on the head there, it's the same reason your doctor might ask you about if you've had any alcohol recently, so they can diagnose you as an alcoholic and send you to rehab for some occasional whine during special dinners. This is a lot of the reason I try to refuse to answer or lie to doctors when they ask me about stuff that doesn't have anything to do with what I'm seeing them for. This is especially true if the government or companies with an agenda are paying for your doctor visits and stuff like that, they have it so they can get that information and profit on it. I've seen this sort of stuff happen to several people I know and it makes it hard for me to want to see any doctors when I break a toe or something like that out of fear that I might be diagnosed with depression because I wasn't looking particularly cheerful during that visit.



Points well taken and true.  However, i'm afraid we're going to have to figure out a way to make something like this work one way or another.  If we're going to insist that crazy people are the real problem, we have to work out ways to build intervention into the health care and other existing systems.  Somebody has to be able at some point to make a call on whether an individual is a clear danger to the rest of us.  My wife is an educator, she and her fellow educators know full well who the budding sociopaths are, some even scare the crap out of them at the 3rd. grade level, but there is no real copurse of action other than "reporting" which goes nowhere.  Really solving this is going to take us all out of our comfort zone I'm afraid.

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Again why do we need this? I mean we are working on the assumption that the government's job is to keep us all safe from everything. So do they need to monitor our eating so we do not get fight? (First Lady seems to want that) Look something bad happened but lets be real, you cannot stop bad things from happening, that is quite simply life.

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Look something bad happened but lets be real, you cannot stop bad things from happening, that is quite simply life.


Yes, but the shooter was known and feared by enough people to have sent a warning.  Newtown was preventable IMO.

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I'm troubled by the part amending the Health Care Bill - why in the heck would your physician ask you about guns in the home?  That doesn't make any sense.


Believe it is the same reason doctor forms ask if you suffer domestic violence.  Someone told me its on doctor forms because someone might feel more comfortable telling their doctor, especially if they are getting treated for domestic violence, than going to the police station and snitching to the PoPo.

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I'd say you hit the nail on the head there, it's the same reason your doctor might ask you about if you've had any alcohol recently, so they can diagnose you as an alcoholic and send you to rehab for some occasional whine during special dinners.


They have taken this even farther with tobacco use. For example I enjoy a cigar about once a month, sitting with my best friend on the deck with some cognac. Because of work we do not get together often and weather inhibits this as well so I end up smoking about 6 cigars a year. Now lets be real 6 cigars a year is NOT a health risk. However the new policies by insurance companies and the requirements under Obamacare will result in my having my insurance rates hiked as much at 40% if I told this to the doctor. Now I can understand this if we are talking about a 2 pack a day chain smoker but to lump me into that same category is just nuts.

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