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660TI or 7950


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I was planning on buying my wife a 7950 and actually bought one (doa) and I have been thinking that a 660TI would be a better way to go.

The 660TI is exactly the same price as the 7950. The 7950 beats out the 660Ti in resolutions higher than 1920x1080 and at 1920x1080 the 660Ti seems to pull away and my wife honestly doesn't want more than one monitor.


Her board suppords SLI and not Crossfire as well. It's not like I plan on it but you never know.

So it looks like in this situation the 660Ti is the way to go. An EVGA OC card is probably the way I will go.



Thoughts, suggestion welcome.

I know I already made a thread on video cards this month but I need more perspective.

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Get her a 7850! A dual MSI fan or ASUS DCII fan are the quietest with the best temps after you clean out the stock TIM and replace it. It will be much quieter than a single fan like you find on an EVGA OC, not to mention it'll be quieter, even at max overclock.

Edited by El_Capitan

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Get her a 7850! A dual MSI fan or ASUS DCII fan are the quietest with the best temps after you clean out the stock TIM and replace it. It will be much quieter than a single fan like you find on an EVGA OC, not to mention it'll be quieter, even at max overclock.

Non reference EVGA, I know it's a rare for them to do.



I don't have much interest in cracking open a new card honestly. I have opened a couple and I prefer not to do it.

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From a raw horsepower point of view the 7590 wins but raw horsepower is not all there is to buying a video card any more. Heck even a $150 video card can today give a good gaming experience at 1080, raw horsepower is great for when you are running massive, multi-monitor resolutions. When looking at a video card for the majority there are other considerations right now to bring into the mix. For example warrenty, do you want an extra level of protection for your card? if so then NO ONE is beat EVGA right now with the ability to have the warrenty on most of their cards be taken to 10 years. Lets face it when buying a video card like this we are gaming, plain and simple, well when it comes to game support nVidia slaps AMD around. I mean PhysX is a feature that is realistically used when available by a lot of people, unlike eyefinity and 3D. nVidia also takes the support outside the tech with a real effort made to support the gaming community.



I am not saying that the 7950 is not a great card, it is. It is great techology and has a ton of raw horsepower. But when does that horsepower really make a difference in the gaming experience. Games todfay are using LESS horsepower as they become more cross platform oriented. Add to this the fact that the horsepower is wasted in the fact that AMD does not offer anything outside of frame rates to use the power for and you have a nice powerful motor but it's horsepower is wasted.



I have both cards in house right now, an EVGA SC GTX 660TI and a Sapphire HD 7950 OC, the GXT 660TI is the one that I have in my gaming rig.

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I was planning on buying my wife a 7950 and actually bought one (doa) and I have been thinking that a 660TI would be a better way to go.

The 660TI is exactly the same price as the 7950. The 7950 beats out the 660Ti in resolutions higher than 1920x1080 and at 1920x1080 the 660Ti seems to pull away and my wife honestly doesn't want more than one monitor.


Her board suppords SLI and not Crossfire as well. It's not like I plan on it but you never know.

So it looks like in this situation the 660Ti is the way to go. An EVGA OC card is probably the way I will go.



Thoughts, suggestion welcome.

I know I already made a thread on video cards this month but I need more perspective.


"So it looks like in this situation the 660Ti is the way to go. An EVGA OC card is probably the way I will go"


Looks like you've already answered your own question. What's stopping you?

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Get a 7950. Tests have shown that Keplers suffer at high AA and the 192 bit of the 660Ti doesnt help ...

Well, you really don't need to go higher than 4xAA at 1080P, and 4xMSAA isn't a problem even for the GTX 660Ti. Most likely for games that support Nvidia technology like FXAA, or when CSAA is an option, that can help with framerates.

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You were saying? :P


Personally I'd get the 7950. It's just capable of more IMO and at that price, very-very attractive indeed.


That is the exact card I am RMAing right now, well I had ordered the 900mhz model but whatever. I am a bit sour against Sapphire right now, they weren't very helpful when I tried to RMA through them.

I did my RMA through newegg because to be honest, nobody is nicer than newegg.



"So it looks like in this situation the 660Ti is the way to go. An EVGA OC card is probably the way I will go"


Looks like you've already answered your own question. What's stopping you?


Slow RMA shipping?

I just wanted some opinions. I like to think things over. I think the 7950's extra power though it is wasted right now at 1080p may prove useful with more taxing games in the future.

It's a toss up until my package gets to newegg, then the gloves are off.

Edited by GabrielTessin

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I just wanted some opinions. I like to think things over. I think the 7950's extra power though it is wasted right now at 1080p may prove useful with more taxing games in the future.

It's a toss up until my package gets to newegg, then the gloves are off.


Then I think ComputerEd's post should have helped you greatly..


The 660Ti is a car that can run at 250mph but only 500hp while the 7950 can run at 220 mph but have a 600hp engine. (I have no knowledge of car mechanics so this is obviously flawed :D)

So if you're only aiming for high FPS at 1080p, you can get the 660Ti no problem and safe on $10 (maybe) and some more from the lower power consumption.



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