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CUDA card


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At some point in the near future, I need to get a graphics card (for the last year or so I've been using the onboard Intel HD 3000)

I really only need it to use DaVinci Resolve (which needs a CUDA card) I'd ideally like to get a Quadro with SDI, but I don't think I can afford that!

Does anyone have suggestions for a mid-range card - considering I won't be using it for 3D graphics, only video stuff? I would like passive cooling, but it's not a dealbreaker - it just needs to be fairly quiet.

Also, since I've been out of the game for a couple of years, are there any particular brands to avoid?


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For just CUDA without breaking the bank, you should be good with a x50 or x60 card. My GTS 250 is just for PhysX, which I'm pretty sure has similar requirements to CUDA. (Both use the shaders cores almost exclusively I think, hence why I have the shaders overclocked on the 250 while the core and memory are underclocked. No performance hit from doing that I've noticed.) Sadly I can't tell you how well the 250 operates for CUDA because my 570 is utilized for that instead. However, for PhysX it may not be as good as the recommended 560 dedicated PhysX card for Batman Arkham City, but if it wasn't performing as well as a 560, it was hard to tell. Borderlands 2 also looks great with this running all of the PhysX.

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Well I you are just using nvidia for cuda you don't need a quadro card unless its a 5000 / 6000 for ecc VRAM. Another solution is a Tesla card though they aren't cheap either. Personally unless you are dying for A true workstation card any cuda enabled card will do . There are 3 generation of cuda right now and the fastest iisthe Femi 400 / 500 series. The 8000, 9000 and 200 series all have the single stack system and is very slow compared to the Femi ( like 10x slower with the same amount of cores ) . I suggest a GeForce 570 2.5gb or 580 ( whatever is cheaper). I have 2 cards soley for cuda because it's basically a quadro 6000 in terms of cuda preformance.

Edited by hornybluecow

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Well I you are just using nvidia for cuda you don't need a quadro card unless its a 5000 / 6000 for ecc VRAM. Another solution is a Tesla card though they aren't cheap either. Personally unless you are dying for A true workstation card any cuda enabled card will do . There are 3 generation of cuda right now and the fastest iisthe Femi 400 / 500 series. The 8000, 9000 and 200 series all have the single stack system and is very slow compared to the Femi ( like 10x slower with the same amount of cores ) . I suggest a GeForce 570 2.5gb or 580 ( whatever is cheaper). I have 2 cards soley for cuda because it's basically a quadro 6000 in terms of cuda preformance.


So basically, because I'm not going to be taxing it with doing acutal 3D grpahics stuff, any card from the latest generation will suffice? I'll check out the 570/580


I could get one of these maybe: http://www.scan.co.uk/products/1280mb-evga-gtx-570-refurbished-40nm-3800mhz-gddr5-gpu-732mhz-shader-1464mhz-480-cores-2x-dl-dvi-i-m?utm_source=google+shopping&utm_medium=google+shopping

But I would be worried about how loud it would get :/


The reason I'd like a quadro is mainly for the HD-SDI outupt as it can send uncompressed 12bit video, which is very useful for me.

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I'll install it when I get a chance and report back on the performance.


I hadn't considered it as an option before, mainly because it's really old... has been sitting in a Linux box I used out and about with a projector (for gallery shows etc)

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Wait isn't the op doing video encoding ? In any case avoid the Kepler series (600 cards) because they may have a ton on cuda cores but it's actually slower.


I remember switching from a 9800 to a 285 and I noticed a difference but even I think even a entry level Femi would be better than any 8000 / 9000 series . Than again I thought the ops wanted to encode video....

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I'm not going to encode video using the card - although it may be faster, the way CUDA encodes stuff like h.264 leads to more errors (I'll skip the long and complex explanation)


I just have a couple of bits of software that require a CUDA card to run.

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Oh in that case get whatever card is cheapest on the planet.


You can pick up 9800 for $40 on eBay and if you want silent try the GeForce 520

Edited by hornybluecow

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