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Advice Needed On Upgrade!


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I think its time to buy a graphics card as my Intel hd graphics cant handle anymore :lol:

so I`m thinking to buy one but I`m confused between the HD 7750 (is around 151$) , GTX 550 Ti (172$)

and the newly released GTX 650 which is still not available but i can wait though,

and i have problem also with the psu so i need a power efficient that it should not require

any external power , as 550 ti requires one but due to performance i can suffice that

please advice which has the best performance and power efficiency

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Presently, I'm in India, and I know some situation over there. So, I would suggest you two options. Either you can buy HD7770, or wait for the release of GTX650.

Edited by d6bmg

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Oh yeah India So i wanted to do max 1600x900 lower will suffice and i just want the game to be played i dont concern about the performance I like to buy with longevity like it play the games till the time and once i buy it will be not sooner before 2-3 years i get the new one

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Actually he is right , there's very less market for gaming in here and if you got any last gen card like hd6xxx or 5xx expect it will have any problem that's why its being sold because people here only want the games to be played and are not concerned with the performance or quality



and so if you're talking about please tell if is 550 ti performance is greater

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You're telling me he'd pay more for an equivalent or stronger card that's older used??

Yes!! (Although I don't have much idea about it)


and so if you're talking about please tell if is 550 ti performance is greater


Don't buy 550ti. Its power consumption is high.

Wait for GTX650, and then decide which one to buy.

Edited by d6bmg

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