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amd 12.8 leaked drivers?

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apparently there is a new leaked version of the amd drivers, I saw it posted on guru3d

the official beta has not been released to the public I guess but the drivers are supposedly designed for APU fixes; right now Im testing it with my 7850 since I have been experiencing problems


if you didnt notice, the last few catalyst releases are really buggy with newer graphic cards

apparently Firefox+flash is constantly crashing my amd drivers on certains sites - gamefaqs for sure (maybe due to the flash ads?_) and sometimes youtube

anyway, Im sure you've noticed the numerous flash updates and amd betas lately

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apparently there is a new leaked version of the amd drivers, I saw it posted on guru3d

the official beta has not been released to the public I guess but the drivers are supposedly designed for APU fixes; right now Im testing it with my 7850 since I have been experiencing problems


if you didnt notice, the last few catalyst releases are really buggy with newer graphic cards

apparently Firefox+flash is constantly crashing my amd drivers on certains sites - gamefaqs for sure (maybe due to the flash ads?_) and sometimes youtube

anyway, Im sure you've noticed the numerous flash updates and amd betas lately



I hope they work good...tired of my flash crashing all the time.

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I hope they work good...tired of my flash crashing all the time.


The flash/firefox problem is not unique to AMD as mine is crashing with a GTX 470 and the latest NVIDIA drivers.


Buggy is not quite the word I would use.

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Have you tired disabling hardware acceleration in Firefox? The performance difference seems to be minimal for me most of the time, and it gave me problems, so I run with that off. I also set the "plugins.click_to_play" variable to "true" in about:config. So nice being able to control the activation of plug-ins like flash and java beyond the control NoScript gives me. Keeps the memory usage low for the plugincontainer too.

Anyway, maybe something with those will help.

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well, the drivers are working great so far

no crashes since

but... ugh... flash updated it self today - that's got me worried


disabling hardware acceleration does help, but it tends to be pixellated and I'd rather just wait

I talked to some people and they were having problems with nvidia cards so the flash issue is not unique to AMD drivers

but on the 7800 series it is rampant for sure

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