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Technology Good or Bad?


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Wev, it depends on the person. If someone's unable to tell the difference between pornography and real life, they're likely not going to be able to tell the difference between movies or TV shows and real life. Porn isn't much different from half the crap on TV when it comes to objectifying women.

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I'll be the first to say it, but I was in for a surprise when I lost my virginity. I had watched porn for a long time before I lost it (started extremely early) and man was I a silly child for thinking it would be similar. :lol: I hardly watch porn anymore, it ruins your mind and the way you think about women. It got to the point where they would nearly just be a piece of meat to me... But I'm better now, I have healed and weaned myself off porn.


Also, jacking off all the time was no good, my testosterone levels would be low and I wouldn't be as energetic as usual.

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Technology has been around forever now. 100 years ago technology existed. Yeah sure there are pros and cons to advances in technology we discover, but the main problem is US how we use technology is what makes it good or bad.


So technology existing in my opinion can't really be put on the category of good or bad because it's US that makes technology a good or a bad thing. I think technology may one day become so advance that we ourselves get a better understanding of each other has human beings through "tech".

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Personally I use technology on a daily basis, we all do... I have a lot of high tech devices I use regularly as well. I don't think I depend on them so much as they allow me to be more efficient with time.



Such as using google to look up a piece of information when in the past you had to have huge sets of encyclopedias and scroll through a ton of pages to find that info...



Technology can go wrong, I recommend that everyone read 1984 if you haven't read it already. It makes you think about a world were everyone is controlled by technology...

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ogy that they don't know how to operate when it goes out. No cell phone coverage! What am i going to do? Throw a hissy fit then call and complain when i do get coverage. Powers out, my life is over, no pc no tv, what will i do.

A funny one from my experience, Person 1 "My nail gun won't fire!" Person 2 "Have you... blah blah blah about clearing etc" Person 1 "Still doesn't work!" 2 "Then i guess you's better go manual till lunch when i can take a look at it." 1 "Manual? Whats that, i don't have a manual for this gun." 2 "No do it manually, you know with a hammer." 1 "A hammer? Who uses a hammer. That takes too long and my arm gets sore." 2 *Facepalm*

And again, the bobcat is broke, but we still need to move a bunch of sawdust for stalls. Guess we better go find something else to do. You can't mean to do it with *gasp* a wheelbarrow and shovel?

Kinda what I was geting at as well, technology isn't just electronics but mechanical things as well.



I just don't get the mentality of not knowing seemingly basic things.


and I'm not being a hypocrite, there are things that supposedly every man should know, such as backing a trailer up that is completely beyond me. I'm terrible at it, but I know I can do it if I really had to.

Knowing how to manually do things, when your technology breaks is a must.



I mean, I'm a total geek but I can do a a lot of things.


I'm sort of a jack of all trades, master of none.

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket, if you spend all of you're time being perfect in one thing you're screwing yourself over.



I guess that is partly why when i was growing up sports never interested me (as other than exercise they weren't benefiting me at all), I was always into climbing trees, hiking, biking and things like that.

Plus that non-competitive aspect has made me a better person I believe, "Oh you're better at me in this trivial task?" ... "Good for you! my bar is set low that as long as I'm enjoying myself and I complete what I'm doing then that's fine by me.


Todays society is GO GO GO GO GO GO GO, I'm not into that, screw off and let me go at my own pace and actually learn something about the experience.



/another random brain thought dump, brought to you by Andrewr05



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