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Liquid Cooling Maintenance

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I use propylene glycol in this sys loop. After a year I needed to top the loop up from the low line to full line. I have found no gunk in the loop. I had intended to top the fluid up with the same color fluid only it is scarce, so I simply went to the grocery store and purchased a bottle of distilled water to top up the loop. The propylene glycol has a few year shelf life, but I still have not changed it even though I have a bottle of blue fluid too. When I installed the original green fluid in the loop the shelf life was expired, so this sys is running on a year plus of shelf life expiration time.


I have seen a three degree drop in temps from cleaning out a dirty rad.

The only other periodic minor maintenance to note would be to clean any fan filters in the cooling sys.


Perhaps consideration should be given to adding an additive which will impart some corrosion resistance if you decide on distilled water and the kill coil. I know the kill coil will stop the algae/organism growth, but not the corrosion possibillity?????

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As I stated in my post as long as you check the corrosion chart with the components you are using and the different metals those are made of, you may find that the chance of corrosion is very improbable. I know with my components, distilled water, and the kill coil, I am not concerned with corrosion. It all depends on how far away they are on the chart and with a closed loop being controlled environment, you are allowed a 0.5 (V) difference!


But when you add anything other than distilled water, you are changing the cooling properties of the distilled water, which usually negatively impacts temps! Even if by a tiny amount, that tiny amount still matters to some :evilgrin:

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