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New at OC (i7 975 3.33ghz)

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Hey guys.


Never have OC'd before, and wondering if I can get some advice on what my proper settings would be to push it to at least 4ghz or over.


Here are my current settings:




Running with DDR3 memory (Corsair)

x58 SLI classified motherboard

Coolermaster HAF 942 Case

295 GTX (Co-Op)

Windows 7 64 bit


I've looked into the beginner guides but I just want to be pointed in a better direction for specific settings.


Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

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Just to go out on a whim and say if you are using the factory Intel cooler then i would suggest not overclocking. Depending on what case you have being the haf933 or 912 or 922 there can be a number of comparable hsf's that can be used to overclock the system. If you have the 932 there may not be an end to what you could use and if its the 922 or 912 you will be limited by space but till then Im awaiting your reply.



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