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N00b FAIL OC i7 990x Sabertooth X58

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What ever happened to the good old days when overclocking a processor was as simple as going into BIOS and changing the 133Mhz to 166Mhz?


I have been trying to OC my CPU and just dont get it. I have read the 'beginners guides' and I just dont get it.


I have a custom system I purchased from iBuyPower. Specs are:


ASUS Sabertooth X58

Intel i7 990X

2 @ Nvidia GeForce GTX 570 SLI



Liquid Cooling

HAF 932 ATI Tower


First, should I overclock using Intel Extreme Tuning or right in BIOS?


I am not looking to push the CPU to the limit, but I did pay a lot of $ for this system and I want to feel good about it being bada$$


I use it to play Skyrim and am STILL waiting for D3


I would greatly appreciate help with this. Live in Sacramento

Edited by Fr0gbutt

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It got easier, just change the multiplier instead of the "bus speed" (though it's called reference clock now I believe). and bump the core V to stabalize and you should be fine unless your really going for an extreme OC but for 24/7 use I wouldnt suggest that.


Though I havent really looked at my 980x in a while..(using the same board)

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FSB that number you were talking about changing from 133 to 166, is now BCLK.


So you can increase that from 1 mhz at a time until you do whatever speed you reach, but see, you have a unlocked extreme edition CPU. For you to overclock all you have to do is increase the CPU multiplier and you are on your way!


Your 990x stock bclk is 133, and its stock multiplier is 26, giving you 3.46GHz, if you increase that multiplier from 26 to... say 30, you'll be at 3.99GHz, so on and so forth!


Maybe this will help: http://www.overclock...r-930-to-4-0ghz


The article is kind of old, and since you have an unlocked CPU that guide isn't of much use to you in the standard sense, the reason i link that guide to you is because he goes into detail about what each setting is. It will really help you understand what you are changing and why. You'll probably need more help, i know i did, but it's a great start! You'll definitely want to overclock using the multiplier, you wont need to change the bclk unless you are reaching for a high as you can go overclock.

Edited by MercuryDoun
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Im still wondering, should I do this through BIOS or can I use a software such as Intel Extreme Tuning Utility?


Also, how do I test stability? The big problem I am facing is last time I overclocked simply by increasing Host Clock Frequency to 150MHZ, it ran awesome until blue screens saying NO_PAGES_AVAILABLE and I ended up having to reformat my hard drive :(


Thanks for all the help!

Edited by Fr0gbutt

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I say always OC in BIOS. But, if you do want to use software, then I would just use it to find the settings and OC you like. Then go into BIOS and make the changes permanent!

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that guide i linked actually talks alot about which programs you can use to test stability. I prefer Prime95!


And i recommend BIO's oc, but software works well enough if you want to go that route.

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I say always OC in BIOS. But, if you do want to use software, then I would just use it to find the settings and OC you like. Then go into BIOS and make the changes permanent!


+1 OCing with the BIOS is the best way to go IMO.


Also, did you disable or decrease your paging file / viritual memory?


I haven't heard of that blue screen message before, it could have something to do with the system not being able to allocate the needed virtual memory. :erm:

Edited by 90sgamer

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Finally! 4Ghz with good burn in. Only 1 BSOD in the beggining calling for a increase in Vcore voltage. Upped it and 0 errors. Running max temp of 145Degrees F



Look at that! A pro within a week!


Pretty fun wasn't it?? Lol

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