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Need advice and a look into my overclock


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Hello everybody,


Today i decided to do a little overclock myself after seeing some youtube video's, and watching forums about overclocking.

Still i need some help and/or advise how to progress further.

With the purchase of my new computer build a while back, overclocking seems to be verry changed when i had my Q6600.


I normaly use the bios, and can reach a overclock of 4.2 easily, but today i did 4.4

My motherboard is Asus Sabertooth X58

Cooling is done with an Corssair H100 Push/pull configuration 2 orginal fans 2000rpm, one coolermaster fan 2000rpm, and one 5400rpm fan with 7 volt mod, don't now rpm.

I don't have a cooler on my northbridge or southbridge (don't know the difference)

Voltage of CPU is currently at 1.344 V


Here are some screenshots.






Any help or advise is welcome!

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The overclocking on your chip is different because you have an unlocked multi.


With those load temps you are safe to up the voltage a bit more, which means you could probably hit an even higher multiplier. So that would be the first thing is do.


You may need to bring the bclk back down before doing so, but then you can start increasing it right away.

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Run Prime95 for 3,4,12,24 hours respectively & post the result. If the temperature become very high after any test, stop testing & post back. ;)


The test programs i use are Prime95 64bit and Intel burn in test (wwith linpack)

Mostly i test the programs for a short time like 10 min max, since there isnt a rise in the temps anymore after that ( in my experience ) and testing is for me kinda anoying to do since it takes long time.

I don't think that stress a cpu for long extend of time ( eg 3, 4, 12!, and even 24! hours is good for an overclocked cpu.

I use my PC for gaming only, not video or audio editing, so i don't see the point of testing that long.\


If i can game with my settings without lockup or freeze, or anything weird, for me it's stable, no offence, i do take the advice into account.

I currently have a different overclock, new pictures.




Coretemp says my cores are between 12 and 15 degree celcius in idle mode, and woth a load from Prime95 64bit, the cores are as follows (during the time of writing this thread my cores are stressed (small FFTs.)


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^ Looks like its normal.

I've suggested you prolonged stress test via prime95 only to test stability of overclock. But when you have said your system works flawlessly, I am forced to revert my advice of prolonged prime95 testing. As long as it runs without any problem and temperatures ~60C, its just fine. :thumbsup:

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The test programs i use are Prime95 64bit and Intel burn in test (wwith linpack)

Mostly i test the programs for a short time like 10 min max, since there isnt a rise in the temps anymore after that ( in my experience ) and testing is for me kinda anoying to do since it takes long time.


I have to completely disagree with you right here.


If you want a 24/7 stable overclock, you need to stress test it for a prolonged amount of time.


If not you have a much greater chance of data corruption or other errors.


I know you feel that if you can play games then your overclock is stable, but wait until your games start randomly crashing due to data corruption. (I know this is possible, because it has happened to me when I've neglected to stress test. :lol:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coretemp says my cores are between 12 and 15 degree celcius in idle mode, and woth a load from Prime95 64bit, the cores are as follows (during the time of writing this thread my cores are stressed (small FFTs.)


Wow, what are your ambient temps? I am on a 360mm rad in a cold basement and my idle temps are around 20C and my CPU is more efficient than yours :doh: Even with your load temps, like Taco sd, you have some room to OC higher :evilgrin:

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Wow, what are your ambient temps? I am on a 360mm rad in a cold basement and my idle temps are around 20C and my CPU is more efficient than yours :doh: Even with your load temps, like Taco sd, you have some room to OC higher :evilgrin:


I would wish to believe that is a Faulty temperature sensor. Unless he has an Ambient of 6c-10c OR 40F-50F then those temps are not possible.

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