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When kids and gang members can get their hands on automatic weapons...........It is time to call it quits.

Criminals have easy access to all of the automatic weapons they want / need. Hell, if all else fails they can just buy them from the DOJ.


As for why anyone needs military grade weapons - well, I want something more than my slingshot when the socialist government men in black come knocking on my door telling me it's wrong to pray, wrong to spank my kids (grandkids), wrong to disapprove of homosexuality, wrong that I don't want to share my hard earned income because they want to "share" my wealth and that it's wrong that I own firearms.






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Weed came from nature (or God if thats your belief). Whose right is it to say it is wrong yet tobacco or alcohol is legal?


The war on drugs is an absolute failure and complete waste of time and resources.


Being a homo is not protected by the Constitution.


I have the feeling your story about the guy buying the .50 cal "sniper rifle" for deer hunting is baloney too. You just happen to be in a gun store when some deer hunter just happens to buy some sniper rifle for the purpose of deer hunting with a .50 cal....riiiiiiiiight. And how is owning a .50 cal taking advantage of the 2nd? If someone can afford to shoot a .50 cal then why shouldn't they? Do you know how expensive they are per round? What constitutes "taking advantage" and according to who?

Alcohol is by far the worst drug on the planet and it is legal, go figure.

I agree we waste too much time and money on the war on drugs.

People are in prison for long periods of time for selling pot and or using pot.

I know people who smoke pot daily and you would never be able to tell that they do.

The only thing those folks are guilty of is being caught in which case too bad for them.

I dont care about gay people, god bless em but i have an issue with gay marriage.

I do have one question which sadly will never be answered. How in the world can a man be attracted to another man? Everything else being equal(feelings and romance,etc) I will never understand it with a sane mind.

Please dont tell me it's just like a taste in food, we have wide selections of food but just two sexes. I think God had a plan for humans and it works pretty good.

If God meant for us to be gay then how would we reproduce?

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Criminals have easy access to all of the automatic weapons they want / need. Hell, if all else fails they can just buy them from the DOJ.

yep, make guns illegal, so now how does the honest good guy protect himself from the illiegal gun toting folks?


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Criminals have easy access to all of the automatic weapons they want / need. Hell, if all else fails they can just buy them from the DOJ.


...............Right. Which is why it needs to stop..........


The DOJ just needs to be purged. They have some seriously stupid people in there. Remember that whole gun monitoring thing between the Mexican and US border. I think it was called project gun runner but I thought it had another name.


Ideally that stuff doesn't happen.

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I like how this just totally stopped being about a single issue, it's just like a giant share your opinion on every little thing thread now. :lol:


We have to make it up to 500 posts, and I think we have beaten a couple of ideas to death, so now we need to keep it going with something :biggrin:


I keep rolling out idealistic stuff and you guys can keep hating with your realistic stuff, then stonerboy gets to say 500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

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...............Right. Which is why it needs to stop..........


The DOJ just needs to be purged. They have some seriously stupid people in there. Remember that whole gun monitoring thing between the Mexican and US border. I think it was called project gun runner but I thought it had another name.


Ideally that stuff doesn't happen.

Tjj, until you realize how evil this world is maybe then you will understand. I'm with ya , I wish everyone loved everyone eke as we all fed each other grapes. News flash. It won't ever happen.

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As for why anyone needs military grade weapons - well, I want something more than my slingshot when the socialist government men in black come knocking on my door telling me it's wrong to pray, wrong to spank my kids (grandkids), wrong to disapprove of homosexuality, wrong that I don't want to share my hard earned income because they want to "share" my wealth and that it's wrong that I own firearms.


Sharing wealth and disapproving of homosexuality I sort of agree on. Sharing the wealth has been debunked by economists the world over, and homosexuality is just well.........weird. Like you though, I hate the act, but I don't mate MOST of the activists. I do hate the ones that wink at me and flap their wrists in my face and make god awful traffic into DC with their darn protests.


I don't mind sharing the wealth if it goes to veterans who lost a few limbs and can't work as a result. Or supporting single mothers who lost a husband as she tries to struggle to make ends meet so she can feed her kids. Basically I don't mind helping people out when they need it, but like you I certainly don't want to give the people who are living on welfare a free ride either.


For the rest of it, you might want to start modding your sling shot :lol:

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Tjj, until you realize how evil this world is maybe then you will understand. I'm with ya , I wish everyone loved everyone eke as we all fed each other grapes. News flash. It won't ever happen.


Even though I agree that it will never happen, we can at least try. The hippies did it at woodstock. One person died because he was dumb enough to sleep under a tractor, but for the most part everyone got along with each other. Other civilizations have done the same before. Why can't we at least TRY to do the same? Maybe in our efforts we can make the world a bit brighter.


Oh and the best answer to your homosexuality question


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Even though I agree that it will never happen, we can at least try. The hippies did it at woodstock. One person died because he was dumb enough to sleep under a tractor, but for the most part everyone got along with each other. Other civilizations have done the same before. Why can't we at least TRY to do the same? Maybe in our efforts we can make the world a bit brighter.


Oh and the best answer to your homosexuality question

we all try each day. By loving our family and friends. Share a smile with a stranger on the bus etc..

We don't do it by posting on Facebook how much we hate our parents.

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