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Awesome parenting


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I would have had my butt whipped if I had gotten caught doing that.


And I did have my butt whipped when I was a kid, a total of 2 times. Two hard whacks on the but with a belt.


My dad never had to whip me again. I learned my lesson, just do as your told and shut the hell up, respect your elders and parents whether you like it or not, and thats a damn fine life lesson to. Your not going to go far if you can't just shut your mouth and do as your told even if you don't like it. If you have to spout a bunch of . and cry every time you have to do something you don't like your probably going to end up (very abstractly) in a prison because you have a problem with authority.


My dad whipped my butt and told me why he was whipping me and what I did wrong. And then a little bit afterwards told me he loved me and wished he didn't have to teach me a lesson the hard way.


Twice...two singular times, I was a little . only twice. After that I was the most respectable polite nice friendly helpful kid you'd ever meet. Every time I slept over a friends house, I'd offer to do dishes, help clean up, ask if there was anything I could do after dinner etc. EVERY time my dad came and picked me up the next morning all I ever heard was an endless stream of compliments to my dad "oh Weston is so nice, he's so polite and helpful!" etc etc etc.


I can't stand todays kids, parents need to get a grip. It's parents that think spanking your kid is child abuse are the ones ruining society.


Edit: Thats two whipings on two different occasions, total of 4 whips. He never grounded me ether.

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and people like you are the reason why most blue-collar people find lawyers to be despicable.




Blue collared people shouldn't find all lawyers to be despicable. Some aren't in it for the money. Lawyers follow the law, policemen enforce it, politicians make the law, wealthy people influence our politicians and can buy the best lawyers money can buy.

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Speaking as a person who used to be just like his daughter, I think that was completely justified. Maybe that will be a good enough smack to the face to bring her back to reality. No matter how hard you think you work around the house, you've got nothing on those that raised you. Awesome video!




Angel, do you have teenaged children? If not, do you have a degree in Developmental Psychology that you're basing your comments off of? At what point did he commit severe harm, neglect, or endangerment of his daughter? Asking her to do chores around the house? I agree, I don't think we're getting the whole side the story. I think his daughter is being over dramatic about the entire thing because LIFE'S SO HARD.


That isn't my point.


First off chores do A CONFLABID THING for a kid. Child psychologists the world over will tell you. You can go ask the night stalker, Charles Manson, Hitler's ghost, and the ghost of Mussolini if they did chores or not. All people are capable of being responsible people without doing chores, they are also entirely capable of being irresponsible WITH doing chores. It does absolutley nothing for a kid period. That is just a dead point in the water. So get off your high horse and stop being a conformist pig as the good Charles Manson would say.


Second my point. She isn't being like that right to their faces. She is doing it in a way where she expresses her self in a way where it doesn't harm them. For the most part it sounds like she does not disrespect them to their face if nothing else. If she is still being the little conformist sheep then the parents shouldn't care. All kids need a way to express themselves. Otherwise they will implode and end up killing everyone. I don't need kids to see what happened at Columbine. <----- TOO SOON


Now believe you and me, I can name about 40 kids where they do need parenting like this. My beef isn't with these parents. It is with these parents, and this kid. Look the kid is obviously being mistreated. If you are doing chores (which is fine if the family needs help((I will talk about this in a second)) ) AND you have a cleaning lady, it does raise some red flippin flags and you are an absolute idiot if you can not see that. I mean listen to the facebook post again. It is directed at certain things that do sort of spark curiosity. Getting someone coffee? That does NOT sound like a chore. That sounds like servitude. Taking out the trash is one thing, and for the most part I understand that parents need help. In my house there is not set standard chore. It is just a matter of hey when you are done with your homework, please help me out. Now why can't that work? Oh right, because parents often times have inferiority complexes set by their parents, and asking for help makes them sound like they aren't in charge. However, I digress. So to get back on topic, yes I am well aware that chores=help and help=functioning family structure. However, getting you coffee is a chore? Oh yeah, that spells father of the DANDGUM year.


I quite honestly think it is the parents fault. It sounds like the parents aren't accounting for all that their daughter has to juggle when they ask her for help.


This is pretty simple to see and understand. It is not rocket science guys. Believe me there are kids who do deserve something like this. In fact there is one little demonic brat down the road and she gets away with god knows what because she is daddy's little princess. If anything these parents are wrong to do this to that kid, and the parents down the road are wrong to treat their girl like that as well. It goes every which way guys. One single ideology of parenting is NOT going to fit all kids.


So before you start opening up your moth, why don't you take a second look at the footage, and hear EVERYTHING the girl says in that document and then rethink the exact percussions her dad took. If you still agree with him then I kindly ask you to never have kids. If you agree with parts of him but not to the full extent of his actions then we are somewhat on the same page. Understand that the girl is not sitting these saying how dumb her parents are, or any teenage girl BS, but rather she is focusing on the injustices of her labor.

Edited by boinker

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Blue collared people shouldn't find all lawyers to be despicable. Some aren't in it for the money. Lawyers follow the law, policemen enforce it, politicians make the law, wealthy people influence our politicians and can buy the best lawyers money can buy.

Sure, that's how it's supposed to work, but you have to admit the system can be a little broken at times.

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and people like you are the reason why most blue-collar people find lawyers to be despicable.




Shouldn't you be given life lessons growing up?



Idiocracy is coming whether we like it or not.


Yeah and PEOPLE like you is why the system is so screwed up to being with.


Look people need a bit of room to expand and grow. By always having someone under your thumb, GUESS WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO?????????????


A: Rebel


B: Rebel


C: Rebel




Guys this is simple psychology. If you can't figure this out then don't have kids. Pretty easy concept.

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Yeah and idiots like you is why the system is so screwed up to being with.


Look people need a bit of room to expand and grow. By always having someone under your thumb, GUESS WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO?????????????


A: Rebel


B: Rebel


C: Rebel




Guys this is simple psychology. If you can't figure this out then don't have kids. Pretty easy concept.


Are you against spanking your kids? Or making them do some chores on a semi daily basis?

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I would have had my butt whipped if I had gotten caught doing that.


And I did have my butt whipped when I was a kid, a total of 2 times. Two hard whacks on the but with a belt.


My dad never had to whip me again. I learned my %$#@ing lesson, just do as your told and shut the hell up, respect your elders and parents whether you like it or not, and thats a damn fine life lesson to. Your not going to go far if you can't just shut your mouth and do as your told even if you don't like it. If you have to spout a bunch of . and cry every time you have to do something you don't like your probably going to end up (very abstractly) in a prison because you have a problem with authority.


My dad whipped my butt and told me why he was whipping me and what I did wrong. And then a little bit afterwards told me he loved me and wished he didn't have to teach me a lesson the hard way.


Twice...two singular times, I was a little . only twice. After that I was the most respectable polite nice friendly helpful kid you'd ever meet. Every time I slept over a friends house, I'd offer to do dishes, help clean up, ask if there was anything I could do after dinner etc. EVERY time my dad came and picked me up the next morning all I ever heard was an endless stream of compliments to my dad "oh Weston is so nice, he's so polite and helpful!" etc etc etc.


I can't stand todays kids, parents need to get a grip. It's parents that think spanking your kid is child abuse are the ones ruining society.


Edit: Thats two whipings on two different occasions, total of 4 whips. He never grounded me ether.


Spanking is abuse you freaking idiot.


If I spank you, you sue for abuse, But if you do it to a kid it is perfectly legal? Are you seriously that stupid to believe that BS?


Here is a bit of universal wisdom for all you blue collar jockeys who think this video is just the best thing on the planet.




You know if my dad tried to hit me, my mom gave him a right hook to the jaw. You don't teach by fear. You don't demand labor. You teach by sitting down and talking. Grow ideas. Learn from each other. Find a system that works for everyone. This is how plato and aristotle taught, so why can't you????


If you can't come to reason, then look at the facts. Bank robbers, rapistis, pedophiles, Obama, Lindsey Lohan were all spanked and did chores. FDR, Martin Luther king jr., and George Washington were under the same conditions. DO YOU SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING???????????

Edited by boinker
Sterotypical Rude comment

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Spanking is abuse you freaking idiot.


If I spank you, you sue for abuse, But if you do it to a kid it is perfectly legal? Are you seriously that stupid to believe that BS?


Here is a bit of universal wisdom for all you blue collar jockeys who think this video is just the best thing on the planet.




You know if my dad tried to hit me, my mom gave him a right hook to the jaw. You don't teach by fear. You don't demand labor. You teach by sitting down and talking. Grow ideas. Learn from each other. Find a system that works for everyone. This is how plato and aristotle taught, so why can't you????


If you can't come to reason, then look at the facts. Bank robbers, rapistis, pedophiles, Obama, Lindsey Lohan were all spanked and did chores. FDR, Martin Luther king jr., and George Washington were under the same conditions. DO YOU SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING???????????




Man your one scary individual.


I'm glad I was whipped. So glad.


Also with all due respect, I fear your ideals are the reason or society is going down the tubes.

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Are you against spanking your kids? Or making them do some chores on a semi daily basis?


Yes I am against spanking, and I am against structured chores. HOWEVER, it is important that you note that I do believe adults need help. So basically where parents say that kids need to take out the trash every night is BS. However, if the kids take out the trash night A and the mother cooks that night, then the roles can be reversed on night B. So basically people (which does mean everyone) would do what every job they were presented with first. For instance if the grass needs to be mowed, and the kid is out there doing it, then the parent can take out the trash rather waiting for the kid to do it.



Chores is another form of control. Plain and simple. All it does is make children conform.


Getting help out of the kids to move a family unit as a whole in the right direction by doing the jobs when they need to be done teaches children about responsibility to a unit or pack.


I mean there are time for lessons. I am ALLLLLLL for life lessons. But do it in a way that is logical and allows for some breathing room.

Edited by boinker
Removed portions

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Yes I am against spanking, and I am against structured chores. HOWEVER, it is important that you note that I do believe adults need help. So basically where parents say that kids need to take out the trash every night is BS. However, if the kids take out the trash night A and the mother cooks that night, then the roles can be reversed on night B. So basically people (which does mean everyone) would do what every job they were presented with first. For instance if the grass needs to be mowed, and the kid is out there doing it, then the parent can take out the trash rather than being a pretentious @$ hole and waiting for the kid to do it.



Chores is another form of control. Plain and simple. All it does is make children conform.


Getting help out of the kids to move a family unit as a whole in the right direction by doing the jobs when they need to be done teaches children about responsibility to a unit or pack.


I mean there are time for lessons. I am ALLLLLLL for life lessons. But do it in a way that is logical and allows for some breathing room.


I didnt say anything about structured chores, just making them do stuff semi regularly, maybe every other day make them do a few things maybe every 3 days then maybe 2 days in a row etc. Not structured.

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