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Kitting myself out with Koolance. First timer


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What about fittings for the drain valve? :P


. I'm lucky you guys are around!


16 it is


I'm going to try to squeeze the MCR320 in without a shroud and if not I'll dash out and pick one up. It isn't too expensive but it is kinda ugly and I'd rather not cut up my case if I don't need to. :P

Edited by ghostcorps

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:) Thanks. I have been dreading the idea since Stoner brought it up, but since push/pull is not much improvement I'm happy to forgoe that particular complication.

Push/pull is the cheapest and easiest boost in cooling you're going to see...ever.

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Push/pull is the cheapest and easiest boost in cooling you're going to see...ever.


Thanks Waco,


There seems to be some contention here but at an extra $100 and a hole cut into my case, I wouldn't call it cheap :( It is an option if I start getting too hot but I won't be doing it unless absolutely necessary.

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Well I use Yate Loon fans at $4 a pop. It makes it a LOT easier to get the airflow needed without wasting a ton of money on fans. I also only use straight barb fittings with metal clamps. Those two things saved me a huuuuge amount of money compared to "nice" fans and fancy looking fittings. :cheers:

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Also - I haven't looked at your case (I'm on my phone ATM) but is there really no way to fit push/pull without cutting the case up? Can the pulling fans be mounted externally rather than internally?

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Also - I haven't looked at your case (I'm on my phone ATM) but is there really no way to fit push/pull without cutting the case up? Can the pulling fans be mounted externally rather than internally?


The case currently has a H100 (240mm) radiator push/pulling, but to get a 360 in i need to sacrifice a drive bay, that wont leave room for push/pull. I could sacrifice both drive bays I guess..


To put the fans on top would look pretty cheap and nasty, it has a nice dust cover on the top, removing that leaves it looking kinda raw. I'm not all about looks, I cut all the LEDs off my fans, but it is an HTPC I don't want it looking scrappy.


The compression fittings I am using are not too expensive, $7.15 each + $5 for the angle adaptor.



THIS is the latest model.

Edited by ghostcorps

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the other things with barbs is that having done alot of hydroponics in my time I know how hard they are to get off. I can see me snapping something expensive the first time I try to change a piece.

Edited by ghostcorps

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Waco: On your suggestion I did some more maths (not my strength) and found that If I use barbs on the straight fittings and rotaries on the angled fittings I save a ton of money, I also save on postage as the fittings I listed earlier were from a different store, this way I can source them from PCCG along with most of the other gear.


Down to $881. :)



I already have heaps of fans, but the gentle typoons seem to come with so much backing it is hard to not get them. Noise is important, while looks don't really affect the user experience, cheapo fans tend to make a racket.


If only PCCG had the MRC320 and the Gentle typoons I could save even more postage money...

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Regular barbs and clamps tend to cost < $4 per fitting you need to fill. :) I just can't stomach the thought of paying more than a couple bucks for a fitting when I know I can buy straight fittings and clamps and save a TON of money and be more confident that they won't leak.


Also - Yate Loons are "cheap" fans but they are very good also. I have 12, yes twelve, of the low speed variety in my rig and with all of them running full speed at 1350 RPM the only noise from my computer is the slight sound of air movement. If I run them at minimum speed (about 6-700 RPM) they are essentially silent. They are sleeve bearing fans...but I have some in both horizontal and vertical positions and not a single one has failed or started making noise in over a year of near 24/7 operation. :cheers:


As for running a 360 in push versus a 240 in push/pull...the latter would probably end up being a bit more efficient at shedding heat (or at least be comparable).



EDIT: These are derived from the Yate Loon fans I'm talking about: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=9_510&products_id=12435 and http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=9_510&products_id=12437


EDIT2: These are the fittings I'd get from PCCG if you're going with 1/2" ID tubing: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=207_160_300_1319&products_id=12961 and these clamps: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=207_160_300_1316&products_id=18023


That's just me though. I hate spending money on parts that don't actually increase performance. :lol:

Edited by Waco

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