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Need advice on GTX 570 & FX 4100


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Hello, i recently bought a Palit GTX 570 (Standard) i tried overclocked it slighty to.. http://gyazo.com/cd3d4d0fe6e2b791709a82336c90ff2f and i do not want to damage this card so.. any higher but safe overclocks? my case is kinda compact and has no exhaust fans yet, i am getting 1 soon.. the card never gets past 65C but never seen it get past 50% usage yet so i guess thats normal on games like.. simulators, Left 4 Dead & MOH? but those are games which are low-medium end, i have not got any CoD or BF yet so.. i need advice on that


P.S - I dont know how to use my BIOs, also i heard i have to be careful with voltages as it burns the card easily so please dont give me EXTREME overclock advice as i want this card to last for 1 year atleast :)


I also bought a AMD FX 4100 (Some say they are bad, but they are pretty fast for me) i have seen people overclock it to 4.5Ghz with default cooler and i have the cooler that comes with it, i would consider overclocking mine to 4GHz? is this okay? and this may sound a bit nooby but... how do i overclock my CPU, i have the ASUS Turbo Key, other CPU stuff from ASUS but they dont overclock i dont think... i need help on this aswell


If you would like to help me, post a reply or send a email to [email protected] Thanks, My specs are below if you need to know :)



AMD FX 4100 (4 x 3.6Ghz) - Retail Fan

Patriot 16GB RAM - 1333MHz ( would like to O.C but dont know how or if its advisable)

Palit GTX 570 1.28GB @ 797Mhz


Hitachi 1TB HDD

LG Super-Multi DVD Drive

750 Watt PSU (I dont know manufacturer haha)

Windows 7 Home Premium

1024x768 Monitor (new one is getting replaced as it broke on delivery)


Note: No case fans apart from small intake fan on side window, i plan on buying a 120mm exhaust fan when i get more money.

Edited by TheMainPimp

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A pimp is never too broke to get more stuff. LOL


As for Your comments regarding your case I would seriously consider upgrading it before going in with just adding a fan to the system. Just my two cents but it depends on what you have now. Let us know what your case is and we can advise you from there.


So far as overclocking the gpu I would use Msi afterburner as tj_angel suggested and use a benchmark such as uengine heaven, futuremarks 3dmark11 as a pretester and theb follow up with the games you play to stability test it further. Try to use a game that utilizes as much of the gpu as possible as that will make a world of difference. And overclocking will get you a ton more performance too.


Move the gpu core clock up 20mhz and run a benchmark. If it makes it through move it up again. rinse repeat until you are content with the settings or you become unstable. Keep an eye on temperature to make sure it does not move past 90c. When you start to get stability issue such as artifacting or a crash you can move the clock back 10 and try again to regain stability or you can give the voltage a tickle and retest. After the gpu clock is set up where you are comfortable play a game for a few hours and make sure you have a increase in performance and no stability issues.

After you are satisfied with the core clock move to the memory clock and do the same thing.


After all that your gpu is overclocked. If you need more help with the gpu post up again and we can assist you further. :D

Also for overclocking please see the community guide in overclocking and cooling.

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A pimp is never too broke to get more stuff. LOL


As for Your comments regarding your case I would seriously consider upgrading it before going in with just adding a fan to the system. Just my two cents but it depends on what you have now. Let us know what your case is and we can advise you from there.


So far as overclocking the gpu I would use Msi afterburner as tj_angel suggested and use a benchmark such as uengine heaven, futuremarks 3dmark11 as a pretester and theb follow up with the games you play to stability test it further. Try to use a game that utilizes as much of the gpu as possible as that will make a world of difference. And overclocking will get you a ton more performance too.


Move the gpu core clock up 20mhz and run a benchmark. If it makes it through move it up again. rinse repeat until you are content with the settings or you become unstable. Keep an eye on temperature to make sure it does not move past 90c. When you start to get stability issue such as artifacting or a crash you can move the clock back 10 and try again to regain stability or you can give the voltage a tickle and retest. After the gpu clock is set up where you are comfortable play a game for a few hours and make sure you have a increase in performance and no stability issues.

After you are satisfied with the core clock move to the memory clock and do the same thing.


After all that your gpu is overclocked. If you need more help with the gpu post up again and we can assist you further. :D

Also for overclocking please see the community guide in overclocking and cooling.


http://gyazo.com/739387ed6a0a6f9d06d7392c4472aeec is now my GPU clocks.. this is the specs of the palit sonic platinum card. I dont have money to buy a new case so...


Also is overclocking GPU and CPU really dangerous as obviously ill be playing intensive games so what are the chances of my pc being overheated..?


http://gyazo.com/098aa19af4f84798e35bde0bc19c327c is my pc, yes.. i know its not $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ but hey, i aint a rich kid who stays in the dark 24/7 so yeah :)

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http://gyazo.com/739387ed6a0a6f9d06d7392c4472aeec is now my GPU clocks.. this is the specs of the palit sonic platinum card. I dont have money to buy a new case so...


Also is overclocking GPU and CPU really dangerous as obviously ill be playing intensive games so what are the chances of my pc being overheated..?


http://gyazo.com/098aa19af4f84798e35bde0bc19c327c is my pc, yes.. i know its not $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ but hey, i aint a rich kid who stays in the dark 24/7 so yeah :)


Actually, I like the case. If you could spray paint the inside mat black, I think you would be more proud of it. It seems like it has a lot of potential.


As for testing to see if your CPU is bottle necking your GPU, you could test it by running some benchmarks (heaven benchmark is great) and comparing it to people running the same GPU on say an i5 or something like the 1100T. I think you would see on average a 6 FPS difference with a high of 13 FPS lag on your system.

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Actually, I like the case. If you could spray paint the inside mat black, I think you would be more proud of it. It seems like it has a lot of potential.


As for testing to see if your CPU is bottle necking your GPU, you could test it by running some benchmarks (heaven benchmark is great) and comparing it to people running the same GPU on say an i5 or something like the 1100T. I think you would see on average a 6 FPS difference with a high of 13 FPS lag on your system.


I ran Furmark for like 5 minutes with average of 27 - 29 FPS but had to stop it as it was reaching 95 degrees with fan speed of 90% and it has 2 fans so.. somethings wrong.


I can overclock the CPU using a simple tool in bios but it only allows you to overclock upto 10% more which is 3.9Ghz and i when i rebooted it, it was kinda slow but i kinda noticed when i changed it back to default.. it needs to be turned on for a while for speeds to kick in..


As far case, this case is small and only has 2 fan spots.. the intake fan which you can see in blue LED on the screenshot and the empty slot at the back. Also, i didnt build this case so i know nothing about building them so painting it would be a challenge and it looks dark.. it only looks bright on the picture because of the dual LED on my phone :)


Answer me this if you know, In MOH Tier 1 Edition, i usually get a solid 60FPS but in simulators like UKTS & Railworks, i barely hit 60 and minecraft only plays at 80 - 90 when i was expecting ALOT more than that..


I doubt my CPU is bottlenecking as i knew a guy who has a athlon x 3 O.C to like 3.6Ghz or something with a standard GTX 570 from geforce (not aftermarket version) and he plays GTA IV with amazing ENB series with Fraps at like 20 FPS and i cant get that on a simulator which doesnt have as good graphics and not as much activity? confusing..


The spot in my case will be filled with a exhaust fan but thats all i can do with cooling..


any ideas? i watched the video someone posted and it has a different BIOs to me and i cant find any config looking menu or tabs. just the simple 10% overclock.


I overclocked the GPU to the GTX 570 Classified spec's and ran the furmark and i told you the results ^^^^^^^^ buy should i keep them clocked at the classified or should i downclock them to the palit sonic platinum specs?

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Nothing is wrong, furmark is just insanely intense as a test you should not be using it for extended periods of time as it really really stresses your GPU. Any oc issues would show up very quickly and it is good to just run the 720p preset benchmark test keeping an eye on temps the whole time.


In regards to your CPU performance it may not be a great as you would think because the architecture of the bd cores is very different and to your 3.9ghz oc (sounds like that is a turbo oc too) will equal much lower clocked athlons and phenoms which run on different and far better architecture for single core performance.


However you shouldn't experience bottlenecking with a single 570. You may experiance issues when doing things that are CPU intensive.


Adding an exhaust to your case is a good idea and should help with overall temps.

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Nothing is wrong, furmark is just insanely intense as a test you should not be using it for extended periods of time as it really really stresses your GPU. Any oc issues would show up very quickly and it is good to just run the 720p preset benchmark test keeping an eye on temps the whole time.


In regards to your CPU performance it may not be a great as you would think because the architecture of the bd cores is very different and to your 3.9ghz oc (sounds like that is a turbo oc too) will equal much lower clocked athlons and phenoms which run on different and far better architecture for single core performance.


However you shouldn't experience bottlenecking with a single 570. You may experiance issues when doing things that are CPU intensive.


Adding an exhaust to your case is a good idea and should help with overall temps.


Well Furmark was averaging at 27-29 FPS but was heating my a GPU really fast even with 2 fans at nearly full throttle which is loud so.. lasted for 5 minutes, is that good or rubbish to gaming?


Anyway i can get my CPU faster without ruining it? It fast now but i could use a bit more speed or FPS. The 10% O.C i did by BIOS was a all cores OC not turbo oc but it felt slow?


I still dont know why i wasnt even hitting 100 FPS on minecraft or even 50 FPS on some simulators.. but yet i get solid 60 locked on MOH? strange..

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