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OC'ing a 1055t


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No, we are talking about an air cooler for the 1055. People have come to the general consensus that the hyper 212+/evo would be a great cooler. I totally agree, however, since there a bunch of sales going on I recommended this http://www.tigerdire...48&Sku=ULT40324 because it is about the same price as the 212+ and the evo. Since then I saw a sale on the 212+ so it would make it the better choice.


However, the conversation has continued with the question of "is the ultra cooler better than the 212+/evo?" For this question it is about performance, not price. I have seen it cool better than the 212+, but there are a surprising amount of people out there that says it is a piece of crap. I am saying that it does cool better than the 212+ and it looks better since you don't have to see the air towers, however, I am not sure how it fairs against the CM 212 evo since I haven't seen any numbers out of it.


My original point was that for the moment we don't have to settle on the CM 212 because it has a really good price. There are enough sales going on that people can pick up a good cooler for cheap. For instance I got a noctua Nh-d14 for 50 bucks. So don't don't be so close minded as to think the the cheap CM stuff is king for price to performance at the current time (which will only be another 5 hours).


Of course, it has turned into a product comparison / debate.



If he wants high OC's the 212 is not the cooler and the Ultra Chill tec sucks badly

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No, we are talking about an air cooler for the 1055. People have come to the general consensus that the hyper 212+/evo would be a great cooler. I totally agree, however, since there a bunch of sales going on I recommended this http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4143848&Sku=ULT40324 because it is about the same price as the 212+ and the evo. Since then I saw a sale on the 212+ so it would make it the better choice.


However, the conversation has continued with the question of "is the ultra cooler better than the 212+/evo?" For this question it is about performance, not price. I have seen it cool better than the 212+, but there are a surprising amount of people out there that says it is a piece of crap. I am saying that it does cool better than the 212+ and it looks better since you don't have to see the air towers, however, I am not sure how it fairs against the CM 212 evo since I haven't seen any numbers out of it.


My original point was that for the moment we don't have to settle on the CM 212 because it has a really good price. There are enough sales going on that people can pick up a good cooler for cheap. For instance I got a noctua Nh-d14 for 50 bucks. So don't don't be so close minded as to think the the cheap CM stuff is king for price to performance at the current time (which will only be another 5 hours).


Of course, it has turned into a product comparison / debate.


That makes a lot more sense :P


I have to agree with death on this one though, if the OP is looking to get a large overclock he's going to want a proven high perfomance cooler. The 212+ IMO just isn't enough for the larger OCs

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If he wants high OC's the 212 is not the cooler and the Ultra Chill tec sucks badly


You really haven't seen a 212 in action have you? Granted it is not going to get a max overclock, but I guarantee you Dr. Death, it would surprise you.

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The only time I used a 212+ I really wasn't impressed with it. I got it on sale for something like $20, but I only got 4.4 on a 2500k with it before the temps got a bit to high. It might have been a bad chip, but the 2500k I have now can do 5ghz on a crappy self contained water unit. (The temps still get a bit high though, into the 80's lol)


Edit: I should rephrase that, for the price the 212+ is hard to beat and will give you a moderate overclock. If you want the most out of your chip, you do need something just a bit more powerful.

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That makes a lot more sense :P


I have to agree with death on this one though, if the OP is looking to get a large overclock he's going to want a proven high perfomance cooler. The 212+ IMO just isn't enough for the larger OCs


Read closer at what the OP wants though. He is only going for 3.6 ghz. If he were going for an even 4ghz, then me an a few other posters on this thread would be singing a different tune about the 212+ and I would be probably be agreeing more with Dr. Death.


@ Dr. Death. I am sure the cooler I recommended sucks. For the 10th time, that was never my point. I had one point, and that was to show that you could get a better performing CPU cooler than the 212+ for about as cheap. I picked that particular one because I have seen it perform better than the 212+ and it is about the same price. I am not going to sit here and praise it like I would the Noctua Nh-D14, I just want to use it as an example to break the current mind set that the 212+ is the best price to performance air cooler as of right now because of holiday sales. My sole intention of my example (not recommendation but example) was to make sure we didn't let the OP miss out on any opportunity at a better CPU cooler.

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Read closer at what the OP wants though. He is only going for 3.6 ghz.


Oh, well if that's all the op wants then any of the suggested coolers would work fine.


Edit: I need to read more before I post lol. I didn't notice that we were talking about a 1055t. I'd still probably go with a slightly better cooler than the 212+. I guess it would still work for that OC though.

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Oh, well if that's all the op wants then any of the suggested coolers would work fine.


Edit: I need to read more before I post lol. I didn't notice that we were talking about a 1055t. I'd still probably go with a slightly better cooler than the 212+. I guess it would still work for that OC though.


Really, I would think that even if he has a hot chip, that he could just add another fan with the attached clips and be done otherwise he could go with the 212 evo. Really I have been trying to track down this cooler for like half off or something. The problem I have with the 212+ was that it was a bloody nightmare to install, and it really wasn't all that quiet. It was still a lot better than my stock heatsink, and was able to overclock my inferno of a i7 950 to 3.8ghz before I started seeing temps of about 90C on prime. So if it could pull that off it is a great cooler......but it can't compete with a CM V6 gt or a noctua cooler if you know what I mean ;)

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These AMD chips can't get as hot as the Intel chips. For the most part I try to keep them below 60c (they also don't get as hot), so I usually like higher performing coolers.

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These AMD chips can't get as hot as the Intel chips. For the most part I try to keep them below 60c (they also don't get as hot), so I usually like higher performing coolers.


Warning!!!!! Sudden desire to sound like Intel fan boy.


The heat means the CPU is working taco hunter :evilgrin:

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Not sure what you mean here.


I was joking. You were saying that the intel chips get hotter than AMD chips. I made a very dangerous joke by implying that intel is better than AMD because the heat means it is working, and you are left to assume that more heat = faster processor.


That isn't true. However, it is funny. :biggrin:

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