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Cant get a decent overclock Amd x3 435


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Firstly.. Hey all! new to the forum and kind of new to overclocking!


Ok so im having some trouble getting a decent overclock out of my Amd x3 435 2900mhz, Ive been playing around with diffrent settings now for about 3weeks and the max stable setup i can get is 3190mhz, Although at the moment its running ok at 3272mhz but fails a Prime95 blend test after about 15mins, Ive read alot on overclocking these Cpu's and most people seem to be getting between 3300mhz to 3700mhz, Of course i know that every setup is diffrent so cant allways go by what other people are getting but i have a feeling im missing something out or i am doing something wrong which is why im on here asking for some advice! :thumbsup:


Heres some info on my setup and stock/overclocked settings..


Mobo: Biostar TA790GX 128M

Cpu: Amd athlon 2 x3 435 rana

Ram: Ddr2 Corsair xms2 pc2-6400 400mhz 2x2GB

Psu: 850watt Novatech (budget)

Gfx: Ati hd4850 512mb



Stock settings..


Corespeed: 2900Mhz

Multiplier: x14.5

Bus speed: 200.0Mhz

Ht link: Auto (1600Mhz)

Nb frequency: Auto (1600Mhz)

Core voltage: 1.408V

Ram: 400Mhz Timings: Auto ( Cl 5 Trcd 5 Trp 5 Tras 15 Trc 19 cr 1T) I think Fsb Dram is 3.5 (il check,)

Ram overvolt: 1.90V

Temps: Idle:20C Load: 32C


Overclocked settings..


Corespeed: 3262Mhz

Multiplier: x14.5

Bus speed: 225.0Mhz

Ht link: Set to 1400Mhz Running at:1575Mhz

Nb frequency: Set to 1600Mhz Running at 1800,3Mhz

Core voltage: 1.360V

Ram: Set to 333Mhz Running at 375mhz Timings: Set to: Fsb Dram 3.5 Cl 5 Trcd 5 Trp 5 Tras 15 Trc 19 cr 1T

Ram overvolt: 2.10V

Temps: Idle:21C Load: 38C


On those overclocked setting it seems fine during Windows 7 task's, Been running now for about 14hours But crashes after about 15mins of Prime95 Blend test.. I did try to decrease the cpu multiplier somewhat but i got bsod and had to clear the cmos so i assume my cpu multiplier is locked?..


A few questions..


Q: Do i need to loosen my ram timings?

Q: Do i increase nb frequancy or ht link? Or adjust them so there the same speed?


Il post back with more info if needed! :thumbsup: Any advice much apreciated!..

Edited by Sergeantmay

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Ok so ive been going through the bios and i can not find anything that says multiplier or divider for the ram, How ever i do have a cpu fid/vid section (see pic)... Core DID [Divided by 1] could it be this? My manual is usless it doesnt even say what each item does so i looked online and still could not find what eveything means ect :wacko:



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You must have set it though, it says you set it down to the "333" setting and it's running at 375mhz which is below the stock memory specs.


Maybe try lowering the main CPU multiplier and change nothing else, see what that does for you

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Thanks for your replys! Ok so i lowerd the multiplier to x14 and within 5mins it crashed :unsure: Set it back to x14.5 and set the tras to 18 insted of the 15, core speed 3262Mhz, core 1.360V and its pretty stable, Prime95 for 6hours with out a hitch!


Il do some tweeking when get the time and post back




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Ok so im guessing using the cpu multiplier is a no go, basicly.. defult in my bios for cpu multiplier is (14.5 - 2900mhz) which is the max setting, i tried to lower it in small amounts but to no joy so i assume this means my cpu multiplier is locked right? excuse the "thickness" im still leaning here! :biggrin:


Went back to the drawing board and tried to get a solid base to start with and this is what i come up with..


Corespeed: 3262Mhz

Multiplier: x14.5

Bus speed: 225.0Mhz

Ht link: Set to 1600Mhz Running at:1800.0Mhz

Nb frequency: Set to 1600Mhz Running at 1800,3Mhz

Core voltage: 1.360V

Ram: Set to 333Mhz Running at 375mhz Timings: Set to: Fsb Dram 3.5 Cl 5 Trcd 5 Trp 5 Tras 18 Trc 19 cr 1T

Ram overvolt: 1.90V

Temps: Idle:21C Load: 36C


Tested for Prime95 for a couple of hours and also done some everyday task's and heavy gaming and all was very stable.


So i pushed on and decided to try a few things people had suggested and so far so good.. :biggrin:


Corespeed: 3291Mhz

Multiplier: x14.5

Bus speed: 227.0Mhz

Ht link: Set to 1600Mhz Running at:1816.0Mhz

Nb frequency: Set to 1600Mhz Running at 1816,3Mhz

Core voltage: 1.360V

Core overvolt: +0.025V (Never tried this setting before, makes it alot more stable)

Ram: Set to 333Mhz Running at 378mhz Timings: Set to: Fsb Dram 3.5 Cl 5 Trcd 5 Trp 5 Tras 18 Trc 19 cr 1T

Ram overvolt: 2.10V

Temps: Idle:22C Load: 37C


Tested for Prime95 for a couple of hours and also done some everyday task's and heavy gaming and all was very stable.


I then decided i would push it somemore and managed to get to a bus speed of 230.0Mhz and for a while things were looking stable but then crashed, Things do seem alot more stable now that i have adjusted the Core overvolt and the Ram overvolt.. i dont want to overvolt the Cpu anymore to be on the safe side and id say the Ram overvolt is at its max although can go higher but dont want to push it,


A couple of questions..


Q: I have 2 options for Corevoltage.. Core VID which is set to 1.3625V in bios and the Core overvolt which is now set to +0.025V.. which one do i actuly need to adjust?

Q: Do i need to adjust the NB or HT voltages or should i leave them at stock?

Q: Does NB and HT make any diffrence or can i leave this at the stock 1600.0Mhz? is this any help to stability?


Many thanks for all your replys and help so far! :thumbsup:

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