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I found a cool map that you can use to test upgrading your items.


So say you found this interesting weapon on your Ranked character. All you do is click Play Online -> Export to Open. Then go to Play Local and load up the custom map. There are chests in there that have like 100 million mana, so you can upgrade those items to max without wasting time and mana on the actual Ranked character.

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sweet... I just got this game and I have only played Local... havent gotten passed the last wave on the 2nd map.... it's pretty tough for me on Medium...


The kids love this game so far...

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I just played Local....


Although I want to LAN with the kids but I havent figured it out yet....


So far you do Online but make it private then I got a prompt saying no one would see it.... yep thats pretty private LOL

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Just got the game as well, haven't played much though, mainly because I don't have anyone to play with and I'm a little afraid to try any public games after everything I've heard about the community.

If you see me as "Online" on Steam, I'm probably available to play. If I'm "Busy" I'm writing news items, or forgot to change it after I finished writing, so you can message me to find out.

I'm pretty sure I'm in a position to be able to help anyone level up, but I'm not sure because of how much solo play I've been doing. Still, if I'm on, and it's a reasonable time of day, I'll probably be willing to play some with you guys.

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Worked on this tutorial last night, but I'll probably go back and completely remake it. Just wanted to upload a video before the Spring term started next week.





Oh the failure. It was like a 17 minute video and YouTube is only showing 2 minutes. Going to re-upload it.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Worked on this tutorial last night, but I'll probably go back and completely remake it. Just wanted to upload a video before the Spring term started next week.





Oh the failure. It was like a 17 minute video and YouTube is only showing 2 minutes. Going to re-upload it.

Those first two minutes are definitely good for someone starting out.


I started off with a Squire because, yes, he is pretty easy to play. Also his barricades are very useful as you put more health into them. I'm pretty sure the Spike Barricade, his first tower, also has the highest health in the game.

Can't remember what I built next, but anyway, once you have a strong tower character, you can place towers on a map and switch to a new character. This new character gets all the experience from the tower kills, and with a decent layout, you don't have to worry about the character dying. A strong tower character allows you to build new characters. A strong DPS character really only helps if you have it out.

Also, you can respec your character at the Tavern. So if you change your mind about how you want a character built (tower or DPS or a hybrid) you can change the character.


Another recommendation to new players is to not worry about upgrading. Seriously at your low level there is no point in upgrading anything you pick up. By the time you have enough mana to upgrade it fully you will find something with base stats better than what you just upgraded to. Unfortunately the item ranking the game uses does look to upgrades, so there may be something on the ground with only 1 upgrade that is better than what you have, but the game says it's worse because what you have supports 8 upgrades, or something.

Here's something else to look at when picking up items, but don't worry about it until probably levels 30-40. If all of your armor is of the same type (leather, mail, chain, plate, etc.) you get a set bonus of +25% to every stat. This means an item with lower stats than what you have on can give you higher stats in he end. Yeah, that can be annoying to keep track of, but, as I said, don't worry about it until a higher level.

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so I tried this today.... when I hit the local it totally deleted my Local character...whoops


regardless of how I do it... it doesnt work...


I do as it says and it deletes what ever character I have made and brings up a new lvl 0 one and it shows 2 custome Mad Mana maps but each one has different specs... either way clicking on them just takes me to the tavern...nothing else..

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so I tried this today.... when I hit the local it totally deleted my Local character...whoops


regardless of how I do it... it doesnt work...


I do as it says and it deletes what ever character I have made and brings up a new lvl 0 one and it shows 2 custome Mad Mana maps but each one has different specs... either way clicking on them just takes me to the tavern...nothing else..

Not sure on the deleted your characters part. But the Mad Mana Map is actually just a carbon copy of your Tavern except there are these chests there filled with mana when you hit target dummies they drop mana. It does show two Mad Mana Maps for me too, however it doesn't seem to matter which one I load it works the same.


Version 1.2 (Dec 30th, 2011)

* More mana from dummies, to fit with the new mana cap.

* Removed the chests! They were redundant and liked to cause more problems than they fixed.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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