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Airflow fan direction (watter colling)


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Hi. I need help about fan direction.

It is about corsair 650D case + corsair h100 water cooling push/pull on top.


a) push/pull suck hot case air but have slow 120mm noiseblocker 700rpm cool air help. Down right is 200mm slow fan pushing cool air on hdd, psu and graphic card (msi gtx560 ti hawk)

b) push/pull push cool air into cooler, and worm into case. faster 120mm push worm air out. Down right is 200mm slow fan pushing cool air on hdd, psu and graphic card (msi gtx560 ti hawk)


Which is better for less noise comp, not very high clock level?


What fans do you reccomend, II was thinking about noiseblocker.





p.s. i borrow pic from google, this is my new build in progress:


Intel Corei7-2600K

SSD Disk OCZ Solid 3 SATA III 2.5" 120Gb

DDR3 Ram 4x 4GB Kingston HyperX

MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr III HAWK


Finished setup will be posted

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Option A


You want the majority of heat outside your case, not in and back out.

Option A, but the exhaust fan at the back of the case pointing outwards.


You want the air in your case to flow, not to go everywhere. XD

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Option A, but the exhaust fan at the back of the case pointing outwards.


You want the air in your case to flow, not to go everywhere. XD

It would be true if he had air cooling. He has watercooling with the heat emanating from the radiators. I don't care if you have the best airflow in the world in a case, you don't bring heat inside your case so your airflow can take it back out. Keep the heat out, and you don't need to worry about great airflow.

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Option a. Where you have the radiator heat will rise to it regardless until the heat overcomes the airflow. Best to have it in option a as the heat inside the case will stay down overall. I believe with it at option b you will run into a lack of exhaust and overheat everything else rather then help just the processor.

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I saw much lower CPU temps when I ran my radiator blowing into my case. It kept dust down too because of the positive pressure inside the case.


So I'd go option B.

You stole my next qouestion :D

about how to dump wholes on case against dust/noise. Rubeer is fine against noise, but not for air. Some sponge is good against noise but dust collector :)

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You need to set the rear fan and top fans to exhasut. While the intake at the top might help the CPU temp, it is introducing the heat pulled from the CPU back into the system. By exhausting you might get a small increase in CPU temp but the heat is all pulled out of the case. Additionally by exhausting from the top you actually make the heatsink more effecient because you get a boost from the natural rise of the heat. One of the benefits of the liquid cooler over the traditional air cooler is the fact it dumps the heat out of the case, by pulling the air in you are negating one of the designs advantages.

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I think i will give up push/pull because of my mbo miss 5mm. Just read about it. (Unless i found quality and quiet 20mm fans.)


If so, I think the best setup will be upper push intake with dust filters outside with rear fan on exhaust.

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