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Personally I'd say goind P4 -> PD isn't worth it, unless your trying to replace the central heating in your home... You'd be looking at maybe 1 - 3 FPS gains, if that. If you could aim C2D, E6xxx or E5xxx that'd be WAAAAY! better, although she did say she doesn't want a motherboard upgrade?


X1900XT seems pretty decent though.

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Ow, my brain. It hurts!


First off, what down time? I have built a computer from parts to desktop in 2 hours with all the drives installed. So if you can do that for her in class, then there wouldn't be any down time at all? Please clarify that.


I do have a question about the video card...............Is the computer a hackentosh??? I looked up the card she has and the card you want to upgrade to, and they are both supported by macs. Coincidence?


Since you are only two hours away from microcenter, please for the love of god convince to upgrade to this.....http://cart.microcenter.com/cart.aspx?RedirectUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.microcenter.com


You get the processor and this motherboard for the same price........http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0354006


Seriously, how can you not convince her to upgrade to that?


Then get this card http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0360190


Then finally call it quits. Seriously, unless the budget for upgrades is really low, just get her to buck up and have patience. The down time could not be more than 2 hours tops (unless something is DOA).


If you can't convince her, just let her sit with her PC as it is and save the money. Otherwise Black 6464 is right, a core 2 quad is your only way out.

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C2D, quad-core and mobo upgrades are out of the question. It took me an hour and a hallf of talking to her to get her just to allow me to upgrade the CPU and GPU because she was afraid she's lose her programs and all of that for her classes so I have no desire to argue with her again about replacing the mobo.


If I can grab her a Pentium D dirt cheap I will probably just do it anyways. Thanks for the input despite ignoring the part of the OP where she was pretty firm on not upgrading the mbo for now.

I would say you might get around 3-5fps just from going to a dual core from a single core, maybe 10fps increase overall. This wont help much if you are only getting 10fps to begin with. Honestly, I don't think there is much you can do to make that machine run it at an enjoyable level. Brutally honest... It would be a large waste of your time.

I don't know the friendship status between you and the girl, but I generally give the stubborn ones a couple of upgrade/repair options depending on their situation, explaining each. If they are still being stubborn, I will usually subtly inform them of it and tell them they will have to seek advice elsewhere, or to deal with what they have.

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