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Build Finally Complete


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Alright tomorrow mourning UPS is going to get me the last piece of my new build. And tomorrow afternoon will be dedicated to OC'n this thing and getting it ready for all the new games. I pulled up Capitans i5 2500k OC guide and am ready to go there is some basic info that I would like to get all in one place so I run as efficient as possible tomorrow so if anyone has time to help me with my questions below I would be very appreciative.


Things I need to know -


What Programs do you rec to test my CPU OC and see if its stable.

What Program should I use for the same but GPU

If different from above what programs are best for Benchmarking right now.

Should I try and get MSI Afterburner running for tweaking the GPU or use Asus's software? (If they have one)

If MSI Afterburner anyone have a link to a guide thats well done?

What temps can I expect to see on a i5 2500k with my cooler (so I know if im close or to hot or need to reseat HS/F)

What are the max safe temps for my CPU and GPU before I cause damage

Also a good program to monitor my system and monitor temps.


My setup


Corsair Obsidian 650D (2x200mm CM Megaflow's 1x120mm Scythe Slipstream in back)

ASRock P67 Extreme 4 Gen 3

Intel i5 2500k

CM Hyper 212+ (Push/Pull with 2 CM Blade Masters)

2x4gb Gskill 1600


Sound Blaster XFI Tit HD

2xSeagate 1TB 7200.12

PCP&P Silencer 750W

Sennheiser HD 380 Pro


Any other comments or suggestions?

Edited by Mombo

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What Programs do you rec to test my CPU OC and see if its stable.

linX, OCCT, prime95


What Program should I use for the same but GPU

3DMark03 / 05 / 06 / 11, MSI Kombuster, Furmark, Unigine Heaven, Vantage


If MSI Afterburner anyone have a link to a guide thats well done?

Haven't used the Asus utility, but Afterburner works on everything I've tried. Guide not really necessary though. GUI is simple and intuitive. If you can turn on your computer you can probably use it :)


Also a good program to monitor my system and monitor temps.

RealTemp or CoreTemp are my preferences, although ASRock also has a temp monitoring utility that you may want to use instead (ASRock Extreme Tuning Utility)

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Thank you wevsspot! Ah and on the MSI Afterburner question I thought there was some type of bios flash or something like that to get a card to use it correctly if it wasn't an MSI card thats what I meant by guide. If all I have to do is install it then no biggie :)


I got my CPU temp limit as 72 hopefully much cooler I mostly only want to hit 4.5 so should be easy unless I got a gimp chip I guess. GPU temp I should try and keep below 95.


and Black I will most def take some pics and post em later tonight once I get some OC numbers locked in as well.


edit: lol just downloaded like 2gb of benching/stressing software.... and the new nvidia drivers.

Edited by Mombo

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Mombo go to asus' website then to the gtx 580 matrix and download the gpu tweak utility.


It is a custom version of afterburner which also incorporate gpu-z all asus rog skinned.


So far it only ment to be for the matrix card but it works for my 560s perfectly. Try it out if not just use afterburner and as Wev said no bios flash.

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Alright sorry I havent posted pics yet. I have been trying to get it all stable. Right now I have it set to 4.5ghz at 1.3v and I am trying to get it locked down. How long does everyone usually run a Prime95 blend test for to see if its stable for gaming and everyday use? I got OCCT but its a bit more confusing to get working I think then Prime95.


Anyone notice that the 2500k clocks down to 1600 most of the time? Or is mine messed up lol. Is there a way to turn that off will it help or not help me with my OC?


Ive gone 6 hours on Blend max temp was 72 : / and gone 2 hours on large packets max temp is 67. It does seem like the average temp is a quite a bit lower then the max though during the times I was watching blend cycle it was pretty consistently in the 67-70 max range.


Now to start on the GTX 570!

Edited by Mombo

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Another great GPU overclcoking tool is Nvidia control panel. It does everything that MSI afterburner does except you don't void your warranty and it comes with a stress tester right in it. Simply download from the nvidia website if the afterburner doesn't work for you.

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: / Well I ended up using Afterburner I only went up to 800 its factory OC was 742 so not a big jump. Its stable it seems and the temps read as 65 at load so easy enough and I didnt have to up my voltage. I am doing a final 12 hour Prime95 on my CPU and then I will do a few benches and install some games :)

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Just one thing I would like to mention is why do people and companies call it a torture test.... I can't get my year around that, yes you are taking it through tough tests but I wouldn't call it torture. Maybe a better word is stability test.. LOL.

Mombo: what I usually do with prime95 is get my hour of large fft in and then take it for a blend test for 6-8 hours. Everyone is different here with stability testing. Some like it for 24 hours. I feel that 8 hours is good as I like to keep an eye on the system while its working. With the testing you have done you should be good at this point IMHO. One bother later on is if the chip degrades which I doubt will be anytime soon..

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Glad you see you succeeded in your quest for OC Mombo.

Haha i guess its really only a matter of opinion for the GPU overclock software. I use MSI on one Rig and the new Asus GPU Software on my new one here. I do like the Asus better but really its just what you like i guess.

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Ya I might have to try the ASUS one. For some reason Afterburner will not startup with windows so I have open it everytime. I have gone into settings and clicked start with windows and minimize at start up but it doesn't show up in the tray at all.


I changed my settings in the bios a bit and went for 4.6 and am sitting stable after 2 hours max temp was 71.


I wish there was a post that showed all the best settings for the ASRock boards cause I was going through el_capitan's thread on it but there is a lot of stuff that is different or not there.



EDIT: Also does anyone have a Sound Blaster Titanium card? I have the XFI Tit Hd and I am wondering is there a way to set hot keys to change between Audio Modes? Even better can you make keys that will change the VoiceFX settings you have selected.

Edited by Mombo

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