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ARG -- This is a stupid rant and you can make fun of me all you want... so enjoy while you have my permission.


My Technical Writing teacher -- whom I just met for the first class today -- REQUIRES us to all have Twitter and Tumblr accounts... WTF!!!! :mad: Really... really?!?! She somehow thinks this is a great source of communication in the work force, I beg to differ. I mean it has the potential -- but I'm so tired of all the sites to "be" a part of. Facebook was enough for me. Google+ is stupid, Twitter doesn't work for sh*t in Chrome and tumblr, if someone wanted to follow my life they would KNOW ME!!! :doh:


Sadly some of you will be jealous that I HAVE to and would be happy to use them in your class -- well BAH to you. :P




whatever, since I have to use it for at least the semester, you can find me -- BluePanda11321 both places. :P

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ARG -- This is a stupid rant and you can make fun of me all you want... so enjoy while you have my permission.


My Technical Writing teacher -- whom I just met for the first class today -- REQUIRES us to all have Twitter and Tumblr accounts... WTF!!!! :mad: Really... really?!?! She somehow thinks this is a great source of communication in the work force, I beg to differ. I mean it has the potential -- but I'm so tired of all the sites to "be" a part of. Facebook was enough for me. Google+ is stupid, Twitter doesn't work for . in Chrome and tumblr, if someone wanted to follow my life they would KNOW ME!!! :doh:


Sadly some of you will be jealous that I HAVE to and would be happy to use them in your class -- well BAH to you. :P




whatever, since I have to use it for at least the semester, you can find me -- BluePanda11321 both places. :P

That is messed up....

A great source of communication in the workforce would be something like google docs, my old uni used there own private google docs tailored specifically for them to host all student and staff emails.


To me the ability to share documents while having video chats, emailing info ect. Rate higher, than knowing that Steve over here, just burnt himself cooking bacon...

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Andrewr05 +1 But no... I don't want more followers really. Just don't want to ONLY be following my teacher and Waco ATM.




I have a twitter but I've only messaged a few people on it and it is primarily used for signing up for contests and such.

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So did you ask the teacher to show you in the school bylaws where it is a "requirement" for you to have these accounts?


They can "recommend" that you sign up for things but there is no way they can force you to have them. Although I know folks will say that they can make your life in the course uncomfortable and tough if you don't.


I get irritated by sites and people that tell me that I "just have to have a FaceBook account". No I really don't thank you. I have read the EULA for FaceBook and I don't agree with their terms so I don't have an account. They have no business "obtaining any information" about me that they "think" is relevant, much less selling my information to any company, individual, or the government at their whim!



So tell your teacher that you don't want to have any extra accounts that you are not going to use anyway just because she "thinks" that they are great. What or who says you have too?

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Well at least those are free. My friend has to buy a $45 clicker to take in-class quizzes that will only be used for that class only :D


$45 for 5% worth of the class grade :P


Been there done that one before. Still have the stupid thing laying around. School is just lame... so much money for so little in return. :(

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I think I lost that clicker after I took the only class to ever require it. :P


As for requiring Twitter/Tumblr, that is pretty dumb. Not everyone wants to use those, not everyone needs to use those. Sure, some people in various industries rely on Twitter as a primary means of relaying new information, but I don't think it's a great form of communication. 140 characters? That's it? You can't do much of anything with 140 characters.

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