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Gigabyte GTX 570 Ultra Durable - OC Problem


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Hi all,


I recently purchased a Gigabyte GTX 570 Ultra Durable GPU card and I'm having troubles OverClocking it. It all began with a simple run of Heaven (with the card at factory clocks) and I saw that the results were really disappointing (avg of 34FPS in compare to an avg of 43FPS which I saw on a benchmark, using the exact same settings). I thought to do a little OC, since the card is built with much better cooling system. I brought it up around 70MHz to the followed ones (can also see it on the Afterburner PrtScn):


Core - 799, Shader - 1598, Memory - 2105. All of that at 1V.


When I tried running Heaven again with those settings, it failed after about 15 seconds, turned the screen brown, distorted the sound and then turned the screen off. When I tried running 3DMark11, it also failed. I'm adding the 2 reports.


I tried testing the card in a game using Witcher 2 with all the settings on high (except MultiSampling) I had an avg of 50 FPS, the card reached 63 degrees max and everything was fine. Resolution of 1900X1200 btw.


Can anyone help me understand why such a minor jump of 70MHz, with more than enough voltage and without the card overheating is still failing? what can I try? This is my first try at OC ever, btw.




EDIT: I tried running 3dMark11 again and this time encountered the following error: 3DMark 11 has lost exclusive access to display and/or keyboard, benchmark run has been aborted. This can be caused by third-party applications running in the background. Please close any potentially interfering applications and restart benchmark.

The only thing that was running was CPUID in order to check the temps of the card during the test.


After that I activated GPU-Z and noticed that the values are back to their original. Could it be that Nvidia control panel is interfering?

3dmark11 report.txt


Unigine Heaven report.txt

Edited by danvis

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It could be that it's MSI Afterburner thats intervering.. Try to set the monitoring to stealth mode and try again.

Other than that I'm stumped because a friend of mine runs his gigabyte GTX 570 at 850Mhz + so its wierd that your wouldn't

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It worked out guys. Seems like the V.Core was too low. I'm now running 850/1073 @ 1.1V and the card never passes the 69 degrees. I'm pretty sure I can go for a bit higher though I don't really wanna. Thanks guys!

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Danvis (and others using or considering the GTX 570)


My experience with two of them is that the factory stock voltage is just enough to get them to run stable at factory clocks. If you want to do even any moderate overclocking a bump in the gpu core voltage will probably be required.

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Danvis (and others using or considering the GTX 570)


My experience with two of them is that the factory stock voltage is just enough to get them to run stable at factory clocks. If you want to do even any moderate overclocking a bump in the gpu core voltage will probably be required.



For my GTX 570's in SLI, stock clock of 963mV's gets you 732MHz Core Clock. I can increase the Core Clock to 765MHz without increasing the Core Voltage. If I increase it to 1050mV's, it can go up to 890MHz.


For a single GTX 570, you'll be able to get higher overclocks with less Core Voltage.

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