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Now that I remember Portal 2 had Steamworks, I might just buy CS:GO on the PS3 so I can get two copies :D


Anyone know if you could be logged into both the PS3 and PC for Portal 2?

FYI, the Portal 2 PS3+PC combo was a special deal in essence to promote Steam to PS3 users. I never read anywhere that said every multi-platform game will offer the same thing and I'd be highly surprised if they do.

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FYI, the Portal 2 PS3+PC combo was a special deal in essence to promote Steam to PS3 users. I never read anywhere that said every multi-platform game will offer the same thing and I'd be highly surprised if they do.

Steam PC/Mac use SteamPlay. I don't see why they can't expand to their console games.

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Steam PC/Mac use SteamPlay. I don't see why they can't expand to their console games.

Because they'd lose a lot of money?


The PC market is a completely different beast than the console market. Sony and Microsoft take a huge cut on every game sale for their respective consoles. It's essentially why Valve made it so you got the PC version free with the PS3 version instead of the other way around....Sony would never allow the reverse (unless Valve agreed to still give them their cut).



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Because they'd lose a lot of money?


The PC market is a completely different beast than the console market. Sony and Microsoft take a huge cut on every game sale for their respective consoles. It's essentially why Valve made it so you got the PC version free with the PS3 version instead of the other way around....Sony would never allow the reverse (unless Valve agreed to still give them their cut).

I wasn't referring to the reverse. I said I was buying the PS3 version.

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I wasn't referring to the reverse. I said I was buying the PS3 version.


I understand that, but you were using the PC/Mac "combo" as a defense to the PS3/PC combo, and I was trying to illustrate that they're two different cases. The Portal 2 deal was good to bring PS3 users over to Steam. Continuing that for every future multi-platform game doesn't make much sense from a business perspective.

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I understand that, but you were using the PC/Mac "combo" as a defense to the PS3/PC combo, and I was trying to illustrate that they're two different cases. The Portal 2 deal was good to bring PS3 users over to Steam. Continuing that for every future multi-platform game doesn't make much sense from a business perspective.

PC/Mac SteamPlay does the same thing. They still need to own both platforms to get any use out of it.


I highly doubt Valve is worried about money. Considering how cheap all their games are. DOTA 2 releasing soon which probably has microtransaction and will sell a lot just like the TF2 Item Store.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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PC/Mac SteamPlay does the same thing. They still need to own both platforms to get any use out of it.


But Valve isn't paying any licensing fee to Apple for Mac support (nor MS for Windows support).


For most gamers, if they own both a reasonable PC and a PS3, they would buy CSGO for the PC, where all the profit will go to Valve. If, however, Valve provides a free copy of the PC version with a PS3 purchase, then those same people would buy the PS3 version (or they're idiots), and then Valve would have to give Sony a cut, thus decreasing their profit.

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So they lose a portion of a sale on a potential $15 game. Then they get a piece of the action on the 100+ games they sell on Steam. I highly doubt they are tightwads for cash right now.


Didn't they just do a million prize for winners competition for DOTA 2 recently.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Then they get a piece of the action on the 100+ games they sell on Steam.

This is exactly why they did the Portal 2 promo and thus why I don't understand why you expect this to be for every single multi-platform game to come out in the future.

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This is exactly why they did the Portal 2 promo and thus why I don't understand why you expect this to be for every single multi-platform game to come out in the future.

Because its Valve. They still get a cut selling games on XBLA and PSN. If they were such profit whores, they would only allow Valve games to be purchased on Steam instead of retail. Yet they don't do that.


Steam sales is the perfect example, that Valve is already making enough money and they can afford not making a maximum profit.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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