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pc shut off during gaming

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first off if this in the wrong forum i am sorry was not sure where to post


ok so i was playing fable 3 and pc shut off 3 times

i was oc'd

cpu 2600k @ 4.5

gpu gtx 560 ti's @900/2200


rig is under desk and air ventilation is not that great

i had no monitoring programs running so not sure of temp

could my cpu of overheated

and when i put everything back to stock cpu temp were 45c at idle when normally they are 29c had to shut down for an hour then things went to normal

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computers shut off during gaming usually due to overheating or a faulty overclock

remember, faulty overclocks show up the worst during high load under high temps


the first thing to do is monitor your temps while gaming and increase fan speeds if needed

also, make sure you do a proper load test if you have not yet

and running the shader clock really high is not necessary and may introduce errors

i dont know much about your brand 560, but if the stock speed is 1800, I would lower it down a bit, but I dont know much about nvidia

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jdm - take a look at the Windows Event Log - specifically under the "System" category. Are there any critical errors other than Kernel Power warnings. The KP warnings should be there regardless since the machine powered down unexpectedly. Post up a screen shot of the error report.


The three primary things you should be investigating (and the possible main reasons for your unexpected shutdowns)


1. Heat

2. Faulty Overclock

3. Power

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jdm - take a look at the Windows Event Log - specifically under the "System" category. Are there any critical errors other than Kernel Power warnings. The KP warnings should be there regardless since the machine powered down unexpectedly. Post up a screen shot of the error report.


The three primary things you should be investigating (and the possible main reasons for your unexpected shutdowns)


1. Heat

2. Faulty Overclock

3. Power

thank you

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jdm - take a look at the Windows Event Log - specifically under the "System" category. Are there any critical errors other than Kernel Power warnings. The KP warnings should be there regardless since the machine powered down unexpectedly. Post up a screen shot of the error report.


The three primary things you should be investigating (and the possible main reasons for your unexpected shutdowns)


1. Heat

2. Faulty Overclock

3. Power

i looked and did not find anything

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You could always revert both the cpu and gpu back to stock clocks and see if you still crash. This should tell you whether it is your overclock that is causing the problem.


Then you can bring one component at a time back to the overclock in order to find out which overclock is causing you problems.

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You could always revert both the cpu and gpu back to stock clocks and see if you still crash. This should tell you whether it is your overclock that is causing the problem.


Then you can bring one component at a time back to the overclock in order to find out which overclock is causing you problems.

Thats an excellent suggestion.


JDM - strange that there weren't any errors in the Windows Event Log. Usually there is always something.


If you didn't find anything under the system tab, check the "applications" tab.

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If it crashes during gaming, the card ceould be overheating. Run furmark stress test to see if it is stable or overheating. If it passes run a stress test on the CPU.....prime95 for a few hours.

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I'll take your word for it. I've never had a psu short out or blow up. Knock on wood............ :)



You cannout call yourself a PC emthusiast without at least one blow up :-)


Over the years I have had a processor blow, (literally cracked the heatspreader) seen a few PSUs blow out, watched a HDD and an SSD smoke, heard an optical dirve break a CD, seen a keyboard short out a PC and more. You need a few things to die so you can learn to not let it happen again :-)

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