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Is this upgrade worth it?


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My current system (i think it's below) is a Core 2 Quad Q9550, 5GBs DDR2-800 and a 9600GSO 768mb.


The upgrade, I think, would be the A8-3850, 8GBs DDR3-1333 and an HD6570 added in crossfire to the inbuilt GPU. I'm still researching motherboards at the moment.


According to my research, the inbuilt 6550D is about as good as my current card, if not a little better, and looking at the passmark tables, the A8 performs quite a lot better than the Q9550 (even the A6 does).


Thanks for any input,



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Any upgrade as such is an improvement however the question is what do you wish to achieve at the end and how much are you willing to spend?


As little as possible! Hopefully if i sold my current cpu and motherboard, that'd at least almost be enough for new the cpu and motherboard. I don't know how much my motherboard is worth, but the prices of a used Q9550 on ebay is more than the amd cpu costs new.


What is wish to achieve is a pc that'll last me through uni (3 or 4 years) and can play tdu2 on the highest settings! (Mine surprisingly can't :down: ). My current system has lasted me a few years now, so i reckon that's achievable.


I was just wondering if it was worth the time and money to upgrade from what I have now, or if the improvements would be too small.


Thanks for the reply

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Have you checked to see where your bottleneck is? Your current CPU may be good enough it may be a hang up on gpu that is stoping you. If you want to spend as little as possible only replace the parts that are holding you back.


However if you can finance replacements by selling existing parts I would do it the new parts will last longer and they are also better performers

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Yeah, I know my bottlenecks are the hard drive and graphics card, but SSDs are still way too expensive for my liking, and i figured the 6550 & 6570 in crossfire would be a good enough upgrade. If I wanted to keep my current system I'd just get an HD6850 and be done with it, but I'm not sure that'd last me as long.


Thanks for your input, it is greatly appreciated.


I don't suppose you have any idea how much my DFI board is worth? There's only one selling on ebay, and it's in Bulgaria, which doesn't give me much of an indication as I'm in the U.K.

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SSDs are a bit overrated at times don't worry bout that if you want something cheaper for gpu cf two 5870s performance will be plenty.

Not sure how much but if you search for a model above it and one below it you'll find a price roughly for your mobo.

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DFI boards are scarce as they've now discontinued the lanparty series, so there aren't even any that are close (there's one that's "possibly faulty", and the rest are being sold from bulgaria, going for £65 - £85

(which is what I was thinking it was worth anyway).


The 5870 costs the same as a 6970 here, which out-performs it, and the price of one of those cards alone would cover the cost of the cpu, 6570 and motherboard, so i'm not sure that's worth it.


Thanks anyways though

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Where are you from OP??

Did you read the thread? He's from UK.


@OP: I would simply upgrade your graphics card as well. Your CPU is still strong, and moreover you have a good board to overclock it if ever you need more performance out of it.

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Did you read the thread? He's from UK.


@OP: I would simply upgrade your graphics card as well. Your CPU is still strong, and moreover you have a good board to overclock it if ever you need more performance out of it.

I missed that haha I thought he was from Bulgaria

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