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PhysX - Is it possible without an Nvidia card?

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Looking at what PhysX can do to a games eyecandy - and playing Arkham asylum without - is kinda making me feel like im missing out on the atmospheric elements of the game, especialy as its a new build with eyefinity. Is there a way of enabling PhysX on an AMD card (6950 2GB) or by utilizing the onboard AMD graphics?


I read on Wiki that a group of programmers brought out a patch that would re-enable PhysX in Games when an Nvidia card wasnt detected? To counter this patch, Nvidia implemented a time bomb in driver versions 196 and 197 that slowed down hardware accelerated PhysX and reversed the gravity, but an updated version of the patch removed all unwanted effects. Anyone know of /Used?


If the only other route is to buy a cheap Nvidia card Wikipedia tells me - (series 8 and newer, with a minimum of 32 cores and 256MB of video memory) will do the Job - However, would 2 video cards from different manufacturers with both drivers running together (+onboard GPU) work or is this just asking for a world of pain!!. anyone doing it and care to post their success/failures :)

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To get the nVidia and AMD to work together for PhysX there is a hack you must use, at least that was how it used to be. As far as I know, right now there is no way to make PhysX run purely on an AMD card, the issue is that PhysX is actually a CUDA prgram running and not a truly stand alone program.

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To get the nVidia and AMD to work together for PhysX there is a hack you must use, at least that was how it used to be. As far as I know, right now there is no way to make PhysX run purely on an AMD card, the issue is that PhysX is actually a CUDA prgram running and not a truly stand alone program.


I have seen people run AMD gpus (in crossfire lol) and an old nvidia card like a 260 or 9800 purely for PhysX, but you need to use a hack to get both drivers running at the same time. also for cf you will need plenty of x16 slots

Edited by Muchoman1

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There are tutorials on how to run the Nvidia and AMD cards simultaneously on OCC somewhere. As I am going to try to do just that in the next week or so, if you haven't found them by then I'll be looking also and let you know on this thread :)



A quick 5 sec search of the forums led to this article.

I'll add to this another day!

Oh and also a quick addition as to which nvidia card to choose



ANother edit...This sticky is old but might help.



Edited by ivangela

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You can get physx without an nvidia card, you can use one of the old Ageia standalone physx cards but I don't think they'd fair too well with the enhanced modern effects

AFAIK the newer PhysX API isn't compatible with the one that'll run on the Ageia cards.

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There was some work done a few years ago. I had a HD2900pro at the time and was closely watching the tech pages. I haven't heard anything since, however. A quick look turned up this article:



Firefox11, i had read this article but when you get to the comments at the end it says Nvidia eventualy killed their first attempts, however the new hack is no where to be found!


Scrub that - Found it here http://www.ngohq.com/graphic-cards/16223-nvidia-disables-physx-when-ati-card-is-present-28.html#post82812 - But if you jump to the latest post its back to not working due to updates in later games and the hack not keeping up - seems like a load of hassle !!

Edited by Twinings

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There are tutorials on how to run the Nvidia and AMD cards simultaneously on OCC somewhere. As I am going to try to do just that in the next week or so, if you haven't found them by then I'll be looking also and let you know on this thread :)



A quick 5 sec search of the forums led to this article.

I'll add to this another day!

Oh and also a quick addition as to which nvidia card to choose



ANother edit...This sticky is old but might help.




Thanks for the links - but on further research its still a dark area - Maybe Nvidia cards are the only realy way of doing itive a couple of years left in my new 6950 2GB maybe ill go Nvidia then!

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