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The Google+ Project: Discussion


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Number 1 reason to love Google+ over Facebook: idiot friends can't post chain status messages. I freaking hate people who feel the need to repost every stupid thing they see about whatever current event they are latched on to at the moment.


If you agree, repost this in your status.

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I know I'm resurrecting an old thread, but I thought I would share that I just noticed Google+ says I have 150 invitations left. Don't remember seeing that before.


Send me one bro...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a link people can use to sign up for Google+ if they want to: Google+ Sign up.

I hadn't noticed the link before they put the 150 person cap on invites, and, after making sure the OCC staff have had the opportunity to take advantage of it, here it is for all of you on the internet. Hopefully it will just be OCC members that will actually use it, but I can't control that once I post this (I think). For those of you that are OCC members though, please add me to one of your circles so I can find you. I already have a circle for OCC people and will add you to that on my side. Of course if you just take an invite and never let me know, I, well, won't know. Go for it though, it doesn't really matter in the long run, especially as I don't post much.

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I have a problem, as far as i know i never put my age into google, my second account yes, but back when i made the first i got around it. But now both accounts tell me i am not old enough?? I am....... :mellow:


Google you are not my friend.


Oh in other news google has logged my logging in and out and asked if i wanted to link my 2 accounts?????

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Google + on its own is much better and more advanced than FB can ever be. With that being said, people will be hard pressed to switch just because they are so deep-rooted in FB that they can't justify getting into something else.

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Google + on its own is much better and more advanced than FB can ever be. With that being said, people will be hard pressed to switch just because they are so deep-rooted in FB that they can't justify getting into something else.



This is lazyness. Be a pioneer and switch over!

I think you might have read my comment in the wrong light, or perhaps I'm reading yours in the wrong light, I'm uncertain. :lol:


Anyway I meant that as a mock reason the post I was responding to, because it's literally the only thing that facebook has going for it, just like Shurman says above, many people are simply deep-rooted into facebook. Personally I would much prefer Google+ over Facebook, I would still prefer Myspace over Facebook even, I really can't stand either one but Myspace is the lesser evil of the two in my opinion. Plus I figure Google already knows everything about everyone anyway thanks to logging everything we type into their search engine, might as well feel free to share that info yourself on their fancy pants social network.

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Plus I figure Google already knows everything about everyone anyway thanks to logging everything we type into their search engine, might as well feel free to share that info yourself on their fancy pants social network.

Yeah that's quite true.

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Hey, what if we create a thread in which we keep a list of who has unsubscribed from Facebook? We could, those who want to, donate some hardware to have some sweepstakes for those participating.

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Hey, what if we create a thread in which we keep a list of who has unsubscribed from Facebook? We could, those who want to, donate some hardware to have some sweepstakes for those participating.

No fair, I never had Facebook to begin with :cry::lol:

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