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i7 Hyperthreading On or Off for Gaming OC?


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Hey guys,


I saw many people with 2500k's with only 4 threads compete over i7 900's with HT so I thought I might be able to get some extra performance

I just wanted to find out what you guys think . Should my i7 Hyperthreading be on or off ?

I know it differs in each case depending on what you use it for but what should I do ...

I have two options :


Option 1 : i7 920 D0 at 4GHz with Hyperthreading


Option 2 : i7 920 D0 at 4.45Ghz without Hyperthreading


My pc is used for gaming and schoolwork , no rendering or folding . And no HT makes it a bit cooler (although cooling is no problems thanks to my water :) )

What should I do ?

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Hey Nyt


on my chip it runes 10-12 degrees cooler with HT off.

i have read quite a few threads on gaming with HT and HT disabled and there is no difference or minor minor if at all.


Wevvspot told me...If you've got it use it.


but as far as i know minor to no difference in gaming.



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IF your only consideration is gaming performance and frames per second then clock speeds are king (especially considering that your cpu is the bottleneck of your twin GTX 580s in SLi).


BUT, if you do any intensive computing work that can utilize the extra virtual cores then of course HT it is.


You MIGHT consider creating two OC profiles in your BIOS. One for ultimate O/C when gaming, and one for use when you're doing mundane things like school work, encoding or decoding, multimedia etc.

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Well I thought 4.4GHz at 1.45v was stable but it keeps BSOD'ig :teehee:

I suppose I'll just stay with 4GHz :( This cpu is so crap I mean my cooling could easily keep it at 4.3GHz with HT :(

I suppose HT will also give a boost in games that support up to 8 threads

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Well I thought 4.4GHz at 1.45v was stable but it keeps BSOD'ig :teehee:

I suppose I'll just stay with 4GHz :( This cpu is so crap I mean my cooling could easily keep it at 4.3GHz with HT :(

I suppose HT will also give a boost in games that support up to 8 threads

Lol. some people would love their cpu hitting 4GHz... :P

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Lol. some people would love their cpu hitting 4GHz... :P


Yeah ut its not using my WC to its full potential . Its like 53C full load at 4GHz :P


I just want to run into a store , buy a 2600k and clock it to 5GHz with 1.45v :biggrin: Even a 2500k would be nice :)

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Geez, I've been gone a few weeks and you got some crazy watercooling set-up. :dunno:




Yeah , I havent seen you around lately :) How that 2600k of yours ? Worth upgrading your i7 to ?

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Nyt, are you sure your getting everything out of that i7? I can tell you once you get that high on the OC, there are quite a few adjustments that need to be made in BIOS. I didn't get to over 4.5GHz by just raising voltages and FSB ;) When I went water, I found a great page that helped me with getting the most OC out of my i7, I will try to find it for you later when I get home.


But for starters, on monster i7 OCs you will have to enable Load Line Calibration in BIOS.


Also my OC is stable with HT on, I have played around with turning it off, but for my 930, it just never made any difference in stability or higher OCs!

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I tried all I could to get 4.33GHz stable , raised CPU volts to 1.45v , PLL to 1.88v , QPI to 1.65v enable LLC and disable CPU Spread Spectrum


I've got someont interested in buying my previous WC project 2nd rig before I decided to WC my i7 ...

So if that goes through I may sell my i7 + mobo for a 2600k and ASUS P8P67 Evo board

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