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For what I do, is Hyper Threading better left off???

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Hey everyone, just reading a little into Hyper-Threading and thought I'd do a little testing.


Currently systems running as this:


980x @ 4.44ghz (HT ON), 143 blck x 31 multi

1.343 vcore - 50% LLC

1.20v QPI


IBT gives this 70 g/flops average

Under a prime95 blend run it will get as high as 75 degrees average (ambient 19-21 degrees). Over 24 hours


Now with HT off and utilizing my overclock a little further I can get this


980x @ 4.61ghz (HT OFF), 200 blck x 23 multi

1.35 vcore - 50% LLC

1.20v QPI


IBT gives this 94 g/fops average

Under a prime95 blend run it will get as high as 68 degrees average (ambient 19-21 degrees). Over 24 hours



Now I'll do a small amount of encoding here and there, but mainly use this for gaming. With that in mind, what do you think? Should I leave HT on with a slower clock, or run it off for a higher clock and cooler temperatures.


Also, am I right in understanding that with HT left on, it gives the computer more threads to use, while reducing overall processing power???

Edited by hoody_s13

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I wouldn't base everything off of IBT. You can do a simple test, just encode the same video, one using your HT setting, and one using your non-HT setting, and see what's faster.

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True, but thats encoding, which generally is able to utilise more threads.

For general use and gaming though, since thats the bulk of what I do on this, what do you think? Will I benefit more from one or the other, encoding aside.

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For general use and gaming, your advantage would be with a faster frequency. Four cores for general use and gaming is more than enough, much less six cores. I'd stick with your non-HT OC for daily use, but save both OC profiles on your BIOS , and switch the profile to your HT OC for when you start to encode.


That's a monster set-up, btw. :P

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Thanks capitan, I should have thought of that :whistling:

Np, happens to the best of us. ;)


Btw, I'd also write down and save your OC and BIOS configuration somewhere in case you ever update your BIOS. Your profiles end up being deleted and it sucks to have to remember all your settings.

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Yeah 6 cores at 4.61GHz would be awesome for gaming. Since a 2500k clocked high normally beats a normal i7 with ht at a lower frequency

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Processor is pretty useless for gaming.

I really do not recall but I assume 980x is 800-1k DOLLARS!!!!!

Why would you spend (unless you really rich) so much money on that processor for gamming.


Check 3D-Mark. When it disables GPU and it simulates the game only with the processor FPS are always 1-3 or so. For gaming 95% is the videocard. As someone said 2x core is ok for play. Or any quad will be really enough. 980x will be really booring while you play. I'ts all about video.

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Also you are wasting a lot of energy consumption. You don't need to OC that. Neither I need to OC mine. I play really smooth with my i7 950. Why would you need to 4.4 a 980x? ^_^

I mean for competition is ok but My Advice as GREEN Human is to unlock processor when no using and use at stock for gaming.

There wouldn't be any difference above 60fps. I tried 60 is awesome. I also tested COD MW2 at 200FPS sometimes and is still the same as 60.


Well I wasnt so green when I choosed the black caviar (I should have choosen the green one) but it is really suitable for gamming because the green one can stop or go slower while playing.

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@loco : You need to oc to get rid of a cpu bottleneck on mulitple cards . His 32nm cpu consumes less power than a lower nm cpu so the consumption is much less anyway.

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C'mon loco, no need to chastise him about overspending... and it's OverClockers Club, he wouldn't be here if he wasn't overclocking. As for being GREEN, at least he has a GOLD rated PSU and not a PSU that barely makes the BRONZE certification. :P

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C'mon loco, no need to chastise him about overspending... and it's OverClockers Club, he wouldn't be here if he wasn't overclocking. As for being GREEN,lol2.gif at least he has a GOLD rated PSU and not a PSU that barely makes the BRONZE certification. tongue.gif





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