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Computer brings up weird screen, duno wer to post this

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Hello, i am a PC gamer, i have got a screen coming up during playing games and just browsing the internet, can someone please help, i have attached a picture,



the whole screen is vertical strips, if helps my computer hardware is:


Gigabyte H55M-S2

Core i3 540 running stock at minute

Corsair 4GB x 2 Vengeance 1600MHz RAM

crappy 620w PSU from ACE

250GB Western Digital Sorpio Blue

Sapphire 6870 1GB 970MHz Toxic Graphics


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Your GPU is overheating/ overclocked way to high.


I have seen this before on a 8800GTS


I 2nd this. More than likely the GPU. It can also occur if you raise the GPUs ram frequency too high, i've experienced that before on my old 4870.

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Could it be the Graphics card is not working right? i just got the card last week, but the system even did it with intergrated graphics, could the power supply be not giving consistant power as its cheap and crap? the GPU was not overclocked to begin with. thanks

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Well if it's coming up during internet browsing I'd say it's not likely your video card... since it shouldn't be working very hard. I guess your best bet is to check your temps on your over clock... maybe down clock it to see if the problem continues. Otherwise it might be that "crappy psu" like cery25 said.

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Well if it's coming up during internet browsing I'd say it's not likely your video card... since it shouldn't be working very hard. I guess your best bet is to check your temps on your over clock... maybe down clock it to see if the problem continues. Otherwise it might be that "crappy psu" like cery25 said.


The Panda knows best. +1 :happy:

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def GPU issue...happens to me all the time when I am overclocking GPUs


you need to check the stability of your GPU clocks, either reduce your clock speeds or increase your voltages a tad


Good Luck! :D

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